Page 85 of Knot Your Problem

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I followed the guys, not knowing where I was going. We ran along a winding path that twisted down, then headed back uphill again. I stopped dead as we ran into a clearing and saw a two-storey treehouse appear before us. “Holy shit, you live here?” I asked Dave.

“No, I have a little cabin near the fields. This is kinda Lexie’s place, Leif and his mates built it for her. She has a cabin as well, but she spends a lot of time here.”

“Wait until you see the rest of it. This place is amazing. Come on.” Dio waved me forward, but Sam grabbed his arm to halt him.

“Wait a sec, Dio. I don’t think that’s a good idea. It’s her space. I’ll just sleep down here in the hammock.”

“Sam, don’t be an idiot. It’s about to pour. You’ll get soaked. Get your ass upstairs. Apologize if you need to, but don’t hide from this or her. We won’t get through it that way.”

“Fine, but if she yells at me to get out, I’m blaming you,” he grumbled.

Dio just laughed and slapped him on the back as we walked up a spiral staircase that was like something out of a fairytale. When we got to the top, we hung out on the deck and just enjoyed the view of the storm rolling in over the forest in the waning moonlight.

I could get used to this. Open spaces had always called to me. I hated feeling closed in and cramped. After years of being in the military, living in barracks and tents, I craved space. I took a deep breath of the woody scents surrounding me, that were peppered with sweeter scents from the farm, before letting it out again, feeling lighter already.

I was leaning on the railing as the first drops fell, fresh and cool against my skin. Suddenly I wanted to be a part of it, let the rain wash away all the stress and worry of the last few days.

The others had dashed under the covered area of the deck as the rain fell in earnest, but I just straightened and ripped off my t-shirt.

“Are these ropes safe to use?” I called over my shoulder.

“Yeah,” Dio called back. “I went down the one closest to you the other night. Why?”

I tugged my boots off and quickly did the same with my pants and shirt before I whooped and launched myself over the railing in just my trunks. Dio’s laughter followed me on the way down.

I reached the ground and ran into the middle of the clearing, spinning in circles with my arms held wide. I stuck my tongue out to catch rain drops, feeling like a little kid without a care in the world, enjoying the magic of a storm at night.

I heard a whoop as Dio followed me down the rope. I turned as he came barreling towards me in the rain. Butt naked. He’d always wanted to be naked when he was a kid. I had distinct memories of his mother chasing him around with a pair of pants while he laughed.

“Where the hell are your jocks?” I asked seconds before he barreled into me and tried to get me into a headlock. I was too slippery though, soaked with rainwater and he couldn’t get a good hold.

I laughed and evaded him as we wrestled, trying to avoid getting a wedgie, until movement at the edge of the clearing caught both of our attention.

Lexie was standing there, looking hesitant, wearing nothing but a hot pink bra and panties with her clothes and boots lying at her feet. She looked like some kind of mythical wood sprite come to taunt and seduce us.

“Can I join in?” She asked, and I suddenly didn’t feel like a kid anymore.


“Getthatsexyassover here, wifey,” Dio called out, and I laughed, bolting over to him and slapping him playfully on the chest.

“Oh no, I’m not that easy,” he taunted as he danced out of my reach. “You’re going to have to work for it if you want a piece of this action. No copping a cheap feel.” He ducked around behind Pala and I followed, still laughing.

After all the heavy emotions of today, I suddenly felt carefree and light. This was exactly what I needed.

We raced around Pala, who stood stoically in the middle, until he suddenly reached out and snared Dio in a headlock. “I got him for you, my heart.”

I cackled wickedly as I began a tickle attack, trying to find Dio’s weak spots. “Under his neck and the side of his waist,” Pala told me. He seemed very familiar with all of Dio’s ticklish spots and seemed completely unfazed that Dio was naked and he was only in his underwear.

“Oh, you two have played this game before. Why is that so adorable?” I asked as I ran my fingers down Dio’s sides. He tried to wriggle away from me and get out of Pala’s headlock at the same time. He was sputtering out laughter while also pleading for mercy.

Dio finally twisted out of Pala’s hold and grabbed me before he picked me up and spun me around. I threw out my arms and tipped my head back, in much the same pose I’d watched Pala do earlier.

My laughter died in my throat, though, as Dio turned my back into Pala and pressed me up against his hot, wet body, before kissing me thoroughly. Dio parted my lips with his own, then thrust the tip of his tongue inside and licked gentle, teasing licks against my tongue. It mimicked the action he knew I loved against my clit and made a tingly throb start in my core.

Dio quickly had me squirming against Pala’s body as they caged me in place with their arms. They pressed me up against each other, sandwiched between their wet heat as the rain continued to pour down over us.

“I think you’re a little overdressed for this game, sugar tits,” Dio said, with a hoarse rasp to his voice that had shivers running down my spine.
