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“Sadie,” I told him. “She’s taking the omegas to a safer location.” It’s as much as I would tell him right now. We desperately needed an ally, but I wouldn’t trust the safety of the omegas to anyone I wasn’t one hundred percent sure about. River looked at me and nodded in approval at my discretion before he headed outside.

“So what’s your plan, Ghost?” Lexie asked as she walked up beside me, shadowed by Pala.

“They’ve been gathering mercenaries and alphas from the city. There’s going to be a wall of them between you and Ava.” He grinned and finally pulled his attention away from the doorway Sadie had disappeared through, and looked at us. “Are you ready for a little crazy?”

“Oh hell, yeah.”


Apoundingagainstmyskull had me stirring as I tried to reach my hand up to my head. My hand wouldn’t do much more than twitch, though. I had a vague notion that the weighted feeling holding my body down should concern me, but I was too fuzzy to pay much attention. I tried to blink open my eyes, but they were heavy too.

Maybe I should sleep a little more.I gave up trying to move and focused on trying to breathe through the monotonous pounding. My pulse had turned into a loud drum and every beat rattled my brain. Nausea rose, and I tried to shift onto my side, but couldn’t.

Other sensations were trying to fight their way through, but everything felt muffled. A sudden scent of passion fruit assaulted me, and I groaned. The scent wasn’t bad; it was just overripe and overwhelming. It wasn’t a smell I enjoyed, so I instinctively tried to pull away from it.

“There, there, sweetheart. This should help.” The sudden cool of a damp cloth on my head helped soothe the drum beat and ease the pressure. I didn’t recognize the voice, though.Where was I?

A confusing rush of panic and relief battered me, and made me sink further back into the soft surface I was lying on. The onslaught intensified until I could almost hear a gruff voice yelling my name.

“Wolf?” I croaked. The weighted feeling faded, but I didn’t want to risk trying to move again yet.

“He’ll be here soon, sweetheart,” the voice from before replied from further away. But that wasn’t the voice yelling in my head.

“Wolf, is that you?”

“Oh thank god, Ava. Are you okay?”Shock added to my confusion, as I heard Wolf’s voice echo as if it was coming down a long tunnel.

“How are you in my head?”

“I don’t know. I’ve been pushing my energy at you, trying to wake you up. Can you tell me where you are?”

That was a good question. I took a deep, shaky breath and nothing smelled familiar. But that passion fruit scent surrounded me.

“I don’t know. I can’t move or open my eyes. All I can smell is passionfruit and I’m on something soft. A bed maybe?”

“Fuck. Ava, stay still and try not to move. You’re with Maven at their Manor. Do they know you’re awake?”Wolf sounded panicked, which had my heart rate speeding up.

“The passion fruit guy put something cold on my head and spoke to me a moment ago.”A sense of wild rage barreled down the bond, and I whimpered as memories assaulted me. Hands pulling at me in the darkness and a cloth over my face. Nicole’s self-satisfied smirk.“Was I abducted?”

“Yes,”his voice was the sound of icebergs breaking apart.“We know where you are, my mate. Max tracked you and we’re coming. You just need to hold on. We’re five minutes away in the chopper.”

I could suddenly feel my mates sending me love and reassurance down the bond, including Cary, which almost made me gasp.“How can I feel Cary in the bond?”

“We claimed him to bring him into the bond and strengthen us. He insisted. But I haven’t mated him yet.”

Oh, Cary.I hated Maven had forced his hand, even though he’d been ready. It should have been a special occasion, something to celebrate.“Is he okay?”

“He’s fine. He loves you and he’s coming for you.”My heart swelled, and I shot love back to Cary in the bond. I could feel his relief. Their emotions channeling through me, and Wolf’s power swirling through us, helped dispel the remaining effects of the drugs in my system. I instantly felt clearer and my body lightened.

My relief didn’t last long. I panicked as the voice returned, much too close. “Can you sit up for me, Ava? I want to talk to you.”

“What’s wrong, Ava? What’s happening?”

“He wants me to sit up.”

“Stay still. Pretend you’re asleep. Can you open up to me more, so I can hear him, too?”

“I don’t know. I can try.”
