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“They can come get us,” Lexie said darkly. Sam looked like he was about to throw her over his shoulder and jump back into the chopper. So many alpha scents were saturating the air, including mine. It was nauseating.

“Hang on, talking to Ava?” Maia asked.

“Yeah, that’s a conversation for later,” I answered. Not wanting to get distracted right now.

“We meet them head on,” Wolf growled. All eyes swiveled to him. His entire body shook with the strength needed to hold himself in place.

“There’s over a hundred armed alphas out there. We’re not taking our omegas into a close quarters fight,” Damon growled, darkness riding him.

“We’re not,” Wolf growled back. He looked at me as he ground his jaw, and I nodded at him. Words were a struggle for him right now. I could sense what he wanted to do, and it just might work.

“Are you sure we can do it?” River asked, his focus swinging to Wolf, as Wolf nodded, before shifting back to watching the horde and the house.

“Anyone want to clue us in?” Lexie asked, sounding tense.

I answered for River, when I sensed he wasn’t going to. He wasn’t used to relaying instructions to other teams; we’d been operating alone too long, and he relied on me instinctively knowing what he was doing. So I was going to have to step up. “Sam, you held an entire room of people at the pub in town, just with your dominance. It seemed to get easier when your mates touched you, and Damon came to help, right?” I had watched the whole thing from a distance, fascinated.

“He did, and yes, it eased the strain when we made contact and Damon came,” Lexie answered, putting her hand on his arm when Sam just narrowed his eyes at me. “Can you dominate that many people if you work together?”

Wolf, Sam, and Damon looked at each other. None of them seemed to have a lot of words right now, rage and fear for their omegas riding them hard.

“I guess we’ll find out,” I said.

“Can we offer them an out?” Maia asked. “When Oliver defected at the farm, half his unit came with him. I’m guessing a good chunk of those guys probably don’t want to be here either. It would thin the crowd and give Ghost time to get in place, too.”

That crazy motherfucking sniper, Ghost, had asked us to approach the manor from behind, flying low over the top. He’d jumped, free fallen and landed on the roof in the darkness, hopefully undetected over the noise of the chopper. He said he could take down their security system from inside. We just needed to give him a little time. Which was the only reason Wolf was vibrating in place and not charging the doors right now.

We’d taken a massive risk, trusting him. He could have us stalled out here while he double crossed us inside. But Wolf had approved him and I trusted Wolf’s instincts. We were just waiting for his signal.

“I think we’d all rather turn them to our side than kill them,” River said from beside me, finally speaking up. “But from what Ghost said, many of these men are hired mercenaries. Hopefully, there are a few decent men amongst them.”

Everyone stilled as a woman’s scream pierced the air and Ava’s fear suddenly spiked in the bond. Wolf’s wild energy smashed through us and he was moving instantly. He charged around the chopper, with Cary and Nick trailing behind him. The signal, a flashlight from an upper window, flared just in time, because we were done waiting.

“On Wolf,” River yelled, as we raced after him, too. We ran in sync to catch up and each took a position at his shoulder, matching our strides to his and putting a hand on him. Nick and Cary were close behind us and they did the same, spurred on by Wolf’s energy. I spared one glance behind them to see Sam and Damon close behind us on either side. Lexie and Maia were tucked in behind them, and their packs fanned out around them. They were laying hands on each other and their primes, the same as we were. The rest of Sam’s team and the Network guys had taken flanking positions around our three packs.

I knew from the energy that had been in the room when we all hugged, that when our packs connected out here, with rage fueling us all, it was going to be explosive. I could already feel tendrils of it coursing over my skin.

The wall of alphas braced themselves in front of us, with no idea what was about to hit them. I almost pitied them.

The time for talking and stalling had ended. We were getting our omegas back. Now.


Nicolescreamed,andaflash of excitement crossed Phillip’s face before he threw the knife at her. It lodged in her side, and she screamed again, as she frantically patted at the blood pooling around it.

“Ava,”Wolf’s roar echoed in my head, and rattled the windows. Phillip grinned the same way I imagined a shark would, if it could.

Arthur turned back to the window, uninterested in what was happening inside this room. Richard and William both wore looks of weary disdain, clearly used to Phillip’s violent tendencies.

“They’re charging,” Arthur yelled suddenly. But Phillip ignored him, intent on the bloody scene in front of him.

I tried to jump out of my chair to help Nicole, but Phillip’s bark had me pushed back in place. He got up and casually strolled over to her, in no hurry. He leaned over and stroked her face, examining her contorted features, as if he found beauty in them.

“I don’t appreciate people glaring at me, Nicole. It’s not polite. Now, be a good little omega and stay quiet for me,” Phillip crooned, and she nodded. She clamped her hand over her mouth, leaving a bloody trail across her face, as he reached down and yanked out the knife. He carelessly wiped the knife on her ruined dress before he turned dismissively and sauntered back to the window.

“Grab the throw pillow behind you and push it onto the wound. Keep pressure on it,” I hissed at Nicole, as Phillip’s dominance released me and my gaze tracked his every movement. Wolf was a mess of growls in my head and rising, feral energy.

“I’m okay,”I said to him quickly, but he was beyond replying, even in the bond.
