Page 11 of Guarding Adelaide

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He steadied himself and held his hand out to hers. The instant their palms touched, he wrapped his fingers around her petite hand. "It's nice to meet you."

She smiled and held her hand out to his chair indicating he sit. She took the chair next to his. "We didn't know you were coming."

Didn't she feel something?

"I didn't intend on coming until I saw that you were tracking Wade Evans."

Her facial expression didn't change. Note to self - don't play cards with Adelaide Masters.

"How do you know who we're tracking?"

"There are certain people it's my responsibility to take care of and Mr. Evans is one of them. He's also my boss."

She nodded. "Yes, I see the connection now. He's the Secretary of Defense and you are his Special Counsel."


She nodded. "And our search for Mr. Evans triggered your system?"

"Yes." He leaned slightly forward. "Now I need to ask why you're trying to locate Mr. Evans."

She smiled. He was left speechless for just a moment as he took in her beauty. She was radiant. But he also knew she was lethal. Maybe that was the attraction. She was someone similar to him.

"We have guests." A large man entered the room with a grin on his face.

"Yes, Mr. Delany, I'm Rafe Martin."

His brows rose into his dark hair and his grin widened. "You've been looking into us."

"It's my job."

"You can call me Henry." He neared and held his hand out. His handshake was firm and professional.

"Then, please call me Rafe."

Henry sat on the sofa across from him. He made the furniture look small. He was built like his father. "It must feel good to be back in your grandparents’ home after all this time."

Henry shrugged one beefy shoulder. "To be honest, we came here as children, but my grandparents were murdered before I was born. So, it doesn't hold the type of childhood memories for me that it does for my mother. For us, it was a visit to see that all was well. Maybe my uncles and cousins would come also, but that was sporadic. We're located all over the country."

"I understand."

Footsteps and chattering filtered into the room, then a tall dark-haired man of Hispanic descent entered the room. He resembled Addy in some ways. Same nose and chin. The woman who had opened the door followed him with a tray filled with glasses and a pitcher of lemonade.

"Hello, Rafe, I'm Myles Sager. It's nice to meet you."

He shook hands, once again impressed by this group.

Myles sat on the sofa opposite Henry. "Catalina made us lemonade. She'll be disappointed if we don't drink it."

Henry chuckled and began pouring glasses for each of them.

Addy took her glass from Henry. "Rafe came here because he knows we were looking into Wade Evans. Wade is his boss."

Myles nodded and crossed his left ankle over his right knee.

"We weren't clued in on the connection."

Rafe watched them all. They weren't covertly glancing at each other, but he already knew Addy was careful with her facial expressions. "I need to know why you were searching for Mr. Evans."
