Page 2 of Guarding Adelaide

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Addy burst out laughing and the entire room turned toward Henry. "I was called to an emergency meeting, so I dropped everything and ran over. Deal with it."

Addy shook her head. "Not entirely true."

Henry shrugged one beefy shoulder. "I'm getting married and we were excited to tell you all. But now Ev is sitting in the kitchen by herself while I'm in here."

Spencer grinned. "Congrats. Kenna and Lara are in the kitchen with Everleigh. They were mixing up drinks when I left."

Tate tapped his forefinger on the table. "Okay. Listen up. First of all, Maya, you've smelled much worse before.”

Maya’s brows bunched together. “Gee, thanks.”

“Second of all, I changed the grossest diaper ever today and this room smells like a flower garden compared to that. Unless you want some diaper duty of your own, zip it."

Maya shook her head and held her hands, apple and all, out in front of her. "No. Thank. You."

Addy laughed. "I second Maya."

"Okay. Kidding aside, we've got an issue. I received a call from my dad. He received a call from Casper. From what they've managed to deduce, Wade Evans, the Secretary of Defense, received some information from a Senator Pierce Jackson with damning information about our newly elected president, Daniel King. Casper refused to say more than that but said they both may have to go dark if some of this information is fact."

Addy sat back in her chair and her brows furrowed. Casper had been giving them missions long before she was born. All any of them knew about him was that he worked for the Department of Defense. The rest was a mystery. Over the years, GHOST, her father's generation, had tried figuring out who Casper was, but he was good at secrecy. He'd been bigger than life in her mind forever. He was this mystical creature who was using them to right wrongs of the world. She loved that they didn't know who he was. But the fact he might be in trouble, that was scary.

"That's not good." She mumbled.

Tate nodded. "Right. That's what we all feel. I need three operatives to go to Washington and ferret out Senator Jackson. See if you can get him to talk. If you can't, you'll need to find a way to figure out what he told Casper that has him worried."

Addy surged forward in her chair. "I'll go."

Myles quickly said, "Me too."

Tate nodded at them, then turned to Henry. "We're using your grandparents’ home as our home base in Washington. Do you want to be there too?"

Henry nodded. "Of course."

"Good, you know the area better than anyone here. And, from what I'm told, the housekeeper, Catalina, will be excited to see you."

Henry's cheeks turned a deep pink. Addy grinned. "Oh, is there a story there?"

Henry swallowed. "No. But she thinks I'm cute. And, she's my mom's age, so that's the gist of it."

Myles burst out laughing. "Is she blind?"

Henry grinned. "She has twenty-twenty vision. So, when she sees you, it'll be hard for her not to grimace."

Myles laughed and lifted his middle finger.

Tate chuckled slightly but brought the conversation back to the task, or mission, at hand. "So you three need to pack. Gavin will be here with the plane in three hours. The Bowman home is well equipped, so you won't need little necessities, just clothes, laptops, equipment. I'll get the equipment bags ready while you pack. Addy, I’d like you in charge of this mission."

“Thank you. I accept.”

Maya stood. "I can help with the equipment."

"Great. Thank you everyone. Addy, Myles, and Henry, I have the files we got from headquarters uploaded to the server. You can read up on the flight to Washington."

She had goose bumps on her arms. Excited didn't half describe how she felt. Maya joined her in her room. "You're practically beaming."

Reaching to the back of her closet, she pulled her suitcase out and laid it on her bed, next to her cousin.

"I'm so ready for this mission. I've been going stir-crazy here."
