Page 25 of Guarding Adelaide

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"They won't know that."

The grin that spread across her lips was enticing as hell. The thought of kissing her grew stronger as they stared at each other. He felt like he was trapped in a spell of some sort. But the spell was broken by the ring of a phone. Hers.

She answered, "Masters."

As she listened to her caller, he reluctantly finished what he'd been doing. The passcode was now seven numbers and two letters. He checked the cameras around the house to make sure they were still alone. He then logged out of the system and the camera went dark.

He turned to Addy, who stood back two steps, watching him. That spell began to fall over him again, but he shook it from his mind and nodded to her instead. "Ready?"

She pocketed her phone. "Yes. We're headed out toward Virginia. Are you sure you're with me? You can drop me at the Bowmans’, and I can get out there myself."

"I'm with you."


Addy crept out of the safe room, her hand near the gun in her waistband, the bag slung over her shoulder. Her eyes scanned the area and they slinked along the wall to the stairs that would lead them to the back door. She was a master at soft footsteps. She'd learned it as a little girl. When she was little, she'd watched her dad sneak up on her mom to surprise her. Addy had marveled at the soundless approach and asked her dad about it.

"Addy, in my line of work, being quiet is one of the most important aspects of getting in or out of someplace alive."

"Will you show me?"

He chuckled. "Sure."

They'd practiced every day he was home. She'd practiced sneaking up on her mom and her friends every chance she got. She felt like a ballerina with her soft approach.

At the top of the basement steps, she peered around the door and listened. No sounds. Stepping across the kitchen floor to the back door. She twisted the doorknob slowly, pulled it open and stepped outside. Rafe was close behind her, his presence comforting and exciting at the same time. She tried remembering her last boyfriend. It was weird that she couldn't even remember his face anymore. It was back in Indiana, she'd just gotten out of the military, and had been hired by GHOST. Not that it was a surprise she was hired, it was a given all her life. But, she was feeling rather proud of herself anyway. She and Maya had gone out for a couple of celebratory drinks and a handsome man approached her and asked her to dance. She remembered he was handsome. But now all she but could see was Rafe's face.

As they moved across the lawn to the edge of the trees, he took her hand in his and hurried her along toward the vehicle.

She looked back and saw the group of men who'd been playing basketball were sauntering down the sidewalk, near the senator's home.

Rafe pushed at the shrubbery as they moved through to the back walkway along the park's edge. His long legs took one stride to her two, but his hand held hers firmly. Her left hand gripped the bag on her shoulder tightly, keenly aware that what she carried was going to blow this town wide-open. At least according to the senator.

The last five steps Rafe's pace quickened. He pulled his keys from his pocket and unlocked the doors before they arrived. Jerking open the passenger door he all but pushed her in and ran around to the driver's side. She turned to see the men running toward them along the row of trees. Rafe had the car started and pulling away from the curb before the men were close enough to do anything.

Addy turned in her seat and saw one of the men pulling a cell phone up to his ear.

"They're calling someone. They'll know your vehicle."


"Go to the Bowman home. I'll get the rental we have there."

He nodded. "Enter the address in the navigation system please."

Addy deftly managed the navigation system as Rafe sped along the streets to the highway as fast as he dared. He turned down a side road, before their exit and she glanced at his face. His jaw was tight, his focus laser sharp. She turned in her seat again and saw a black SUV following them.

"How long has he been back there?"

"A couple of turns now."

She picked up her phone and tapped Tate's number.


"We're being followed from the senator's home. Who can you call to divert our tail? We're on our way to the Bowman home to pick up the rental. Rafe's vehicle is now spotted."

"Okay, I've got you on screen. I'll call you when I have someone to assist."
