Page 27 of Guarding Adelaide

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Then, his lips touched hers. Lightly, softly. They fit far too good. Then he pulled back and stared at her. "I've been thinking about that since I first met you. But, seeing you in action - dammit, that's sexy and I didn't want to wait any longer."

"What about what I want?"

The slow grin that spread his full sexy lips made her breathing stutter.

His voice was low when he responded. "What do you want, Addy?"

No way was she going to tell him that. Not right now anyway. She was pretty sure she wanted it all.

"Not sure you can handle what I want, Rafe."

His smile grew larger and his eyes deepened in color, if that was possible. "Sounds fun."

He turned and hopped into the driver's seat as she stood stupefied at this encounter.


He'd just played his hand. If he were a better poker player, he would have waited. But that little escapade was exciting. Addy made it even more so. She brought out something in him, and it was the first time in so very long that he felt alive. He lived each day, but now he felt it. He felt invigorated and eager for the next minute, then the next.

She finally climbed into the passenger seat. She leaned forward without a word and entered the address into the navigation system.

She turned her head to him, her dark shiny eyes bright with life. Her soft lips, so incredibly soft, formed a slight smile. "Keys under the mat."

He leaned down and pulled the keys from under the floor mat. Then realized he didn't need to insert the key into an ignition, it just needed to be near the vehicle to start. He braved a look at Addy, and her lips turned up into a saucy smile.

Shaking his head, he pushed the button to start the SUV, then slowly pulled it from the garage. Once he'd exited, she pointed to the visor where the garage door button hung, and he tapped it closed. The navigation system told him to get back on the highway, and he followed its directions, but kept an eye out for anyone who may have been watching from afar.

Addy settled back into her seat. "So, let me guess, Marines."

He ventured a glance in her direction, then grinned. "Yes." Navigating a corner, he then asked, "What made you think that?"

"You're very regimented. Your moves seem calculated and precise."

Shooting a gaze into the mirror behind he saw no suspicious vehicles following. "I'll take that as a compliment."

She nodded. He saw her eyes dart to the outside mirror to see behind them and knew she was vigilant as well.

"What about you? I'll say Army."

"Yes. I went into the Army because that's where Maya and Myles went."

"Did you try to stay together?"

Her chest lifted as she inhaled. "Yeah. But, I went into the medical corps and they were recon and recovery. So, we ended up being separated anyway."

"Yeah. It's hard to stay together. Even the buddy system, created to encourage enlistments, they brag about isn't foolproof."

She nodded. "That's so true." She twisted slightly in her seat. "Why the Marines?"

His right shoulder lifted and fell. "The few. The proud. The Marines." He chuckled. "I liked their commercial. It appealed to the part of me who wanted a different life far away from where I was."

"Why did you want a different life?"

He braved a glance at her before turning to the road once again. "Let's just say I didn't have the best family life."

"Oh." She was contemplative for a few moments. "Did you get it? The different life?"

He chuckled. "Let's just say I haven't had an afternoon this exciting in a long time. I'm doing well professionally. That wouldn't have happened had I stayed at home. I'm financially secure. Thatcertainlywouldn't have happened if I'd stayed home."
