Page 40 of Guarding Adelaide

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"I need to call my assistant."

Addy shook her head. "Could it be her?"

"It could be, but no one on the face of the earth would be more surprised than me. She's loyal and dependable. But, when I came back to my office that day, she mentioned the Distible documents on my desk. I don't know who put them there. She'll know."

Addy pulled a burner phone from the equipment duffle bag and handed it to Rafe. "You can use this. Myles needs to clean your phone."

Rafe took the phone from her. Heat rose up her arm when their fingers touched. She let out a long breath as he dialed the number to his assistant. She shouldn't be thinking about him as a man right now when there was so much on the line.

"Leesha, who put the Distible documents on my desk a few days ago?" He brushed his fingers through his dark hair again. She liked when he did that. His hair looked silky the way it fell over his forehead when his fingers brushed through it.

"It's important." He offered. "You're sure?"

His chest rose and fell and his lips turned down into a frown. "Thank you, Leesha."

He hung up the phone and sat at his computer again.


Fucking Brett Selisen. Addy turned her body toward him and he stopped typing and stared up at her. "Brett Selisen. He's an aide in my office. He brought the documents into my office while I was in Wade's office. He's the only person who had access to my phone at that time."

Addy nodded then turned to Myles. "How long does it take to install a tracker like that?"

"A couple of minutes if you know what you're doing."

Rafe's chest hurt. Betrayal was devastating. "I'm researching Brett Selisen right now."

Addy's phone rang and she stepped away to answer it. He half listened, half watched the information on Brett Selisen populate on his computer. Former military, he'd served two years in the Army before honorable medical discharge.

Rafe dug further into Brett Selisen. Their private server had compiled documents on every employee who worked with them. Wade was thorough. Brett Selisen had amassed some hefty medical bills. Rafe heaved out a heavy breath then clicked into the banking information portal. He typed in Brett's name and watched his bank records populate.

His head slowly nodded as the evidence presented itself. "Brett Selisen received a large deposit of money from an overseas account the day the senator spoke with Wade."

Addy appeared from the kitchen area. "Tate has a new place for the senator and the documents. Myles and Henry are taking him back to Glen Hollow. I'm staying here until we find out where Brett Selisen is and who hired him."

Myles stood, set Rafe’s phone on the table next to his laptop and nodded to him. "It's clean."

Myles then turned to Addy. "Are you sure you won't need backup?"

"I might, but I'll have to rely on Rafe. You and Henry may encounter trouble along the way back to Glen Hollow. The plane will be at the airport in two hours. In the meantime, we need to get out of here."

"What about the perp?" Myles asked.

"Tate will have someone come and get him and the body."

Addy turned to him. "Rafe, help us pack everything up."

Rafe stood and tucked his laptop into its case. He pocketed his cell phone then started rolling up cords with Myles. He felt all of this deep in his gut. His stomach felt soured and he vowed to himself to make all of this up to Addy. And the rest of them, but mostly to her. Twice now, because of him, they had to pack up abruptly and move. As soon as he and Addy were safe, he'd fall down the rabbit hole of finding Brett Selisen and getting to the bottom of who he worked for. Then, Brett would be let go and he'd brainstorm with Wade on periodic checkups on anyone working with them.

He carried totes and duffle bags to the various vehicles. He and Addy would keep half of the equipment and Myles and Henry would keep the other half.

Once they'd packed everything up, Henry and Myles helped the senator to his car. "What about my family?" The senator whined.

Henry responded, "We're looking for them and plan on keeping them safe."

"We have a place in Hawaii. They may have gone there."

"Why the fuck didn't you tell us that before?" Henry boomed.
