Page 42 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Wade told me this was too serious to keep the secret any longer and that it would likely come out to GHOST anyway. He was on the track to retirement just before the senator came to see him. I've been working for Wade for ten years. He's been training me for the last three."

Addy sat back in her seat and stared out the windshield. Her full lips hung open and he saw her heartbeat in her neck. He navigated a corner onto a county road that would soon merge off onto the highway. She didn't say anything for so long he worried this was bad news.

"I take it we're going to the Bowman home?" He finally asked.

She whispered, "Yes."


Holy hell. Casper? Wade had been Roxanne Bowman's father's best friend. All this time he'd been helping them. Roxanne had never said anything about Wade being Casper. Even after Roxanne and Hawk married. Maybe she didn't know. But, now that Addy knew, she had to tell Tate. He could tell his dad, Gaige. That would likely create a silence in the building like they had in this vehicle now. What did you say to something like that?

"I'd appreciate it if you'd say something." His deep voice broke the silence.

She turned to face him again. "I'm speechless I guess. We never tried to find out who Casper was. It didn't matter and we felt he had a reason for staying hidden. He's always been good to our firm and each of us. I'm shocked to hear this. And, now you're going to be the new Casper? Why are you telling me that?"

"Wade wanted it out in the open with all of you. Since his family has now been threatened, he's worried our silence will get some of us hurt or killed. And his identity was hidden for all these years because his job at the DoD would be compromised. I’m sure the DoD wouldn’t appreciate knowing the Secretary of Defense hired special operatives to do the work the DoD should be doing. There are rules and laws. All of which have been broken."

She swallowed the enormous lump in her throat. "Do you want this? To be Casper? It's against the policy of your job, isn't it?"

"But it's for the greater good. What you all do, is what the military and police can't do, because of some of the stupidest regulations and laws. There shouldn't be a gap between the two entities and yet there is. Good people get caught in that gap. It's against Wade's moral compass to let them perish because of it. That's why he got involved in the first place. Before GHOST he had another group who ceased to exist about a year after GHOST was formed. He...We need you. You need us. And the people caught in the middle need both of us."

Addy sat back and digested this explanation. He was right, of course. The people caught in the middle needed someone to help them.

"I agree."

She blew out a breath as Rafe turned the SUV onto the street behind the Bowman home. She pulled her phone up and texted Catalina to notify her they were coming home. After what she'd been through earlier, surprises weren't likely welcome.

As they approached the garage behind the home, the door began to open and Addy smiled. Catalina.

Rafe pulled the SUV into the garage next to his vehicle. She saw him grimace after looking at his vehicle and she chuckled. "It's all good now."

He shook his head. "It's not good. I'm happy it's rectified, but good is not how I'd describe it."

She shrugged. "Suit yourself. There was no way you could have known about the tracker or the app. We've neutralized both of them and now we move on."

"If I'm to replace Casper, I can't have things like that happen."

She stared at him for a long time, he looked sad. "Maybe you should ask Casper if anything like that ever happened to him. I don't think there is a perfect human being out there. And, criminals are criminals, even if they work in your office."

He stepped out of the vehicle and rather than wait for him to walk around, she jumped out and moved toward the door. He grabbed her hand as she passed him. A tug of her arm had her pressed tightly to the front of his body. His left hand rested against the back of her head. Her face turned up to look into his handsome face. The look in his eyes took her breath away. It was a look she hadn't seen on him before. And with their bodies pressed tightly together as they were, she felt the desire grow between them.

He bent down. She rose up. Their lips pressed together perfectly. His were soft and pliant, she hoped hers were too. His right arm snaked around her waist and pulled her to him tightly. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, enjoying the way her breasts felt pushed tightly against his t-shirt clad chest. He was firm and muscular, the ridges of his muscles pressed against her were exciting.

His tongue slid sensually along her lips. She opened her lips and embraced the feel of his tongue as it seductively slid along hers. Slow. Wet. Soft. Passionate kisses were her kryptonite.

His arms loosened around her body and she felt a loss. When their lips parted, his kissed her forehead so tenderly it was as if a butterfly wing had touched her. Opening her eyes, she saw him watching her. They stared deep as if he were trying to see her soul. To read her thoughts. To dig so deep inside of her he'd never leave. And she liked it.

She inhaled but when she let that breath out, it was shaky. There was no hiding that emotion.

His beautiful lips parted slightly, then turned up at the corners. "I feel the same way about you. I honestly haven't felt this way about another human my entire life. You're different in a good way Adelaide Masters."

She swallowed and tried deep breathing again. "Yeah." She stepped back. "I haven't felt this way about anyone in my life either. It makes me mad to be honest, because it confuses me. I need to focus right now and I'm struggling with that because of you."

It was his turn to take a deep, shaky breath. He nodded his handsome head, took her hand in his, and led her to the service door at the side of the garage. "I guess it's good we both feel this way. At least there won't be the worry that the other doesn't feel the same."

"I guess." She mumbled.

He chuckled. "Let's go do our jobs at the highest level we can and get to know each other better at the same time. I've known of you for a long time Addy. I've read all of Casper's reports. I've been impressed with you from the beginning. I'm not wrong."
