Page 48 of Guarding Adelaide

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"It's fine. I'll be fine. We'll do whatever we have to do to make sure you're safe."

When he replied, his jaw was tight. "I'm not worried about being safe. I'm worried about the magnitude this shit show will bend to. It looks like they're trying to frame me."

"Shouldn't we stay and make sure they don't?"

"No. We're going to find Brett Selisen. I'm going to bet he's behind this."

They hurried along the lawn to Rafe's SUV. He stuffed his suitcase in the backseat, then turned to her. He opened the door and pulled her toward the SUV and his body. He bent his head down, kissed her lips lightly then helped her into the vehicle.

She buckled herself in as he strode around the front of the vehicle. As soon as he slid into the driver's seat, he pulled up his phone. He recalled his security system, then scrolled through the videos that it had taken that day. He leaned over toward her, his phone out so she could see it, and tapped on a video with the time stamp 2:03 p.m.

The video began playing and she watched as a man approached the house. He knocked on the front door, then rang the doorbell. He looked both ways down the street then pulled something from his pocket and opened the door.

"Is there a way he got a key?"

Rafe shook his head. "I don't use that door on a regular basis, so I wouldn't have had keys at the office. I pull into the garage and come in the back door which is attached to the garage. He used the front door, not the garage service door."

She nodded and continued to watch the man. After he disappeared into the house, the security system failed to log anything else. Rafe, then looked at the next video, which triggered at 2:27 p.m. "He was in the house for only twenty-four minutes."

The man exited the back door into the backyard. He jogged across the lawn, turned back to the house, that's when the hood on his sweatshirt dropped down and the red hair showed. She sucked in her breath. "That's the man from the bar the other night. The one that scared the senator. He came in and watched us for a while, then he followed the senator out the back door. But Henry went with the senator, so nothing happened."

Rafe pulled up the settings from his security system and turned his phone toward her. "My notifications were turned off."

Rafe dropped his hand to his lap. "That man is Brett Selisen."

Addy picked up her phone and dialed Tate. When he answered she quickly asked, "Tate. Can you find out what time a call was made to the police department in Arlington to come to Rafe's house? We're here now, it’s swarming with police. He was told a call came in to the police that his house had been burglarized. There is security at the gate to get into this neighborhood and I can't figure out who would have called. No one would know there'd been a burglary at all. It appears Rafe's being set up."

"Hang tight, let me see what I can find out. I'll call you right back."


She ended the call.

Rafe then used his phone. "I'm calling Wade."


Rafe turned the phone speaker on and laid it on the console between he and Addy. His eyes were watching the police moving around his house, and the thing that stuck out to him most, was that there was little urgency to their movements. They sauntered around as if this was a coffee break.

"Rafe, what's happening?"

"Wade, I have Addy here and we're on speaker."

"Hello, Addy."

"Hello, Wade."

"What do you have going on there? I've got some interesting movement on my computer."

Rafe nodded and swallowed to moisten his throat. "I think I'm being set up for something. My house was broken into. It was Brett Selisen, though the police don't know that. At least not from me. I saw him on my camera. Blood was smeared in my home office and from what I can tell, not much more was moved or touched. Other than the fingerprint dust all over, it seemed as though things were in place. The office, some of the drawers had been pulled open, but nothing was tossed."

"Okay. Let me see if I can find anything out about that here. I'm listening to the chatter on the police radios and I've got someone inside King's office now."

"Police let me and Addy enter the house, grab a suitcase full of clothes and leave. They didn't ask me to look around and see if anything was missing. They didn't ask me much of anything. All they made comments about was that the man looked like me who left my home. Brett Selisen has reddish hair and is about five inches shorter than I am, and about thirty pounds heavier. So, it would be hard to mistake him for me."

"Do you know anything about the blood?"

"Not yet. I demanded the reports as soon as they came in. I don't know if they'll comply. If King has them on payroll already, he wants to scare me because he knows the senator shared secrets with you. He may think I'll lead them to you."
