Page 50 of Guarding Adelaide

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She saw the dots bouncing and waited. Rafe drove them slowly around the outside of the neighborhood.

"My husband is here and we'll go home together."

"Let me know when you're safely out of the house."

She watched out the windshield as Rafe crawled the neighborhood. She turned her head toward him. "I almost forgot, there's a secret tunnel from the basement to the garage. If we can slip into the garage and get the door down before anyone sees us, we can get into the house that way."

"I haven't seen a single vehicle on the streets or in driveways. If they're watching it's from inside a house."

"That's perfect. The street the garage is on, is bordered by tall cedars on all sides. No one will see us pull into the garage."

Rafe drove the vehicle down the street then turned on the backstreet that led to the Bowman garage. They both watched diligently for any out-of-place vehicle, any person watching. "It looks clear."

Her phone buzzed a text.

"We're out of the house and neighborhood."

"Catalina is gone."

He pushed the garage door button hanging on the visor and approached the garage slowly.

Turning the SUV into the garage, he hit the button to close the door instantly and they sat still inside until the door shut.

Addy jumped from the vehicle and moved to the front of the garage. She located the tunnel entrance near the wall, now covered by a heavy rubber mat. She lifted the mat, and Rafe pulled it over to expose the tunnel door. A keypad lock had been installed a few years ago. Addy lifted the metal keypad cover and typed in the code. She closed the cover then opened the cover to the handle and twisted it to unlock the door. She lifted the metal door in the floor and Rafe whistled lightly. "That is seriously cool."

She grinned. "When Hawk met Roxanne, she escaped out this door to get away from him. He caught her though."

"I'd love to have seen that."

She chuckled, then lowered herself into the hole in the ground, using the metal ring steps in the side of it. She felt the wall for the light switch and turned the lights on in the tunnel. Waiting at the bottom for Rafe, she whispered up to him., "Close the hatch, in case they breech the garage."

He reached up and pulled the door closed, then hustled down the metal steps to her. Addy moved toward the basement slowly, trying to listen for sounds. Rafe followed closely behind.

As they neared the end of the tunnel, she stopped and listened. She didn't hear anything and slowly opened the door to the basement. She stepped through the door once she felt confident no one was around.

She glanced at Rafe, then pointed to the stairs. They crept to the stairs and slowly ascended to the kitchen. The kitchen was clean. No dishes laying around, but there was a note on the counter. She padded toward the note.

"Miss Adelaide. I have made meals for you and Mr. Martin. They are in containers in the refrigerator. Heating instructions are on the lids. Catalina."

She left the note where it was, opened the refrigerator and saw the individual meal containers. There were many. Addy giggled. Catalina had been cooking up a storm.

She glanced at Rafe, who nodded in appreciation, then closed the door and moved toward the office. Nothing seemed out of place. She turned to ascend the grand staircase to the bedrooms above. Hers was at the top and to the right. Entering the bedroom, she saw nothing out of the ordinary. She stepped to the closet and pulled her travel bag from inside and swiftly tossed her clothing into it. No time to be neat. A movement outside caught her attention. She turned to Rafe and pointed to the window. They both neared the window cautiously. A black SUV slowly crawled down the street. As it neared the Bowman home, it slowed. Addy hurried from the room and to the room at the end of the hall, with windows to the front of the house. She crept to the side of the window and peered around the edge. The SUV had stopped, but no one had gotten out. Rafe stepped behind her, peering over her head. He whispered, "Is that one of yours?"

She shook her head.

Rafe pulled his phone from his pocket and texted someone.

Addy stepped away from the wall, "Stay here and watch them. I'm getting my weapons."

She hurried to her bedroom, pulled her weapon from its holster on her waist and checked the magazine. Satisfied it was full, she pulled a second weapon from her travel bag, inserted a full magazine and set it on the bed. She pulled a third from her travel bag and repeated. Tucking one of the extra weapons in her ankle holster and strapping it on, she then grabbed the third and moved back to the bedroom where Rafe stood watching.

Entering the room, she approached Rafe. He whispered, "Passenger door is opening. It's also not one of mine."

She looked around him, saw someone clad in all black slowly approaching the house. She handed Rafe the weapon. Two police cruisers pulled up behind the black SUV.

Rafe whispered, "They're going to arrest me."

"Let's get out of here." She moved toward the staircase, it would do them no good to be stuck up here in case they stormed the house. She slipped quietly down the staircase. As she reached the bottom of the stairs, the doorbell rang. She froze for a moment, and waited to see what would happen next.
