Page 58 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Sophie, Tate's mom and Bridget, Aidyn's mom did most of the decorating. When we go out to Henry's, my mom and Henry’s mom, Roxanne did most of their house. We're fortunate to have such talented women in our families. We'll all have nice homes one day. If we choose."

"What is your alternative?"

She shrugged. "Living here. Tate and Lara do. Spencer and Kenna do too. The entire second floor has been remodeled recently to allow for larger living quarters. Tate and Lara have Barrett, who’s six months old now. And Spencer and Kenna will likely have kids one day, so they have three-bedroom suites upstairs. There's room for a couple more up there too."

"Is that what you want to do?"

She stopped walking and turned to him. "I honestly don't know. It will depend on who I marry and what he wants."


Just now, the thought of Addy marrying anyone but him hit him like a gut punch. They'd only known each other for a short time. Though, he felt like he'd known her for a long time. He'd read her files. All of their files. He'd gotten to know her through her body of work. And her family members' work. He'd known of her for years. Getting to know her these past few days was exciting.

He opened the door to enter the HOG and the kitchen smelled amazing. It was seven o'clock in the evening and it smelled like it was dinnertime.

A woman in her late fifties or so stood at the stove, stirring something that smelled fantastic. Fruity and fattening.

Addy grinned. "Hi, Helissa. Rafe, this is Helissa our cook and housekeeper. Helissa, this is Rafe."

Helissa wiped her hands on an apron around her waist. He immediately thought of Catalina. He held his hand out to her, and when she gripped his hand in a firm handshake, he knew she was no-nonsense and trustworthy. She looked him in the eye. "It's nice to meet you, Rafe."

"Addy, it's nice to have you home. I have your room ready and I have Henry's old room ready for Rafe."

Helissa looked at Rafe and smiled.

Rafe put his arm around Addy. "I'll be staying with Addy. But I do appreciate your hard work in putting together a room for me."

Helissa's cheeks turned bright pink. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't aware..."

Addy touched Helissa's arm. "Please don't worry. No one knew until now. We'"

Maya entered the kitchen and leaned against the counter watching them chat. She had a sassy grin on her face, that was for certain.

Addy turned toward the living area. "Rafe, I'll show you where our room is."

As they passed Maya, she said, "Do Uncle Josh, and Auntie Isabella know?"

Addy stopped and her cheeks flamed hot. He stared at Maya and grinned. "We haven't told them yet. But, we will soon."

Maya smiled and stepped to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of water. Addy pulled him to the bedroom. As they entered the room, he lowered his voice. "She won't tell your parents before you do, will she?"

Addy giggled. "No. She's just trying to get a rise out of us and embarrass me. It's all good. One day she'll meet someone, and I'll do the same to her."

"I can't believe she hasn't met someone yet. She's quite stunning." He pulled her into his arms. "Not as stunning as you are, but I can see the family resemblance."

He kissed her lips and her arms came around his waist. Tipping his head slightly, he fit his lips over hers better, and allowed himself to sink deeper into her. His life had been turned upside down since he'd met her and to save his soul, he was surprised as hell that he wasn't more bothered by it all. He was in the thick of something major, yet he just knew it would work out for the best.

He reluctantly pulled away and rested his forehead against hers. "Adelaide Masters, I am so enamored by you. You have captivated my entire being."

He could feel her heartbeat against his chest. Her breathing became uneven. "You've done the same to me, Rafe. It's scary how much you consume my thoughts."

They pulled away. Reluctantly. He looked around the room. It was a palate of neutrals, grays, and browns. Antique bedside tables framed the bed. A headboard of gray material took up a good portion of the wall above the bed. A matching gray fabric sofa with tan pillows sat directly across from the bed. It fit together wonderfully. A television hung from the wall across from both the bed and the sofa.

"I have a bathroom here to the left. If you want to put your things in there, I'll make some room after we speak with Tate."

"Thank you." He set his bag on the floor near the sofa and held his hand out to her. "Let's go see Tate."

They moved in unison out of the bedroom and toward a door across the massive living area. Three large brown leather sofas with white fluffy blankets sat in a U-shape in the middle of this room. A television hung from the exposed brick wall across from the sofas. A large glass cubicle with an old oak table sat just outside and to the right of Addy's room. "That's our conference room."
