Page 61 of Guarding Adelaide

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She heard her mom moving around the house, her breathing changed and she was quiet for a moment. She heard a muffled, "Josh, Addy met someone."

She heard the phone drop lightly on a surface, assuming it was her father's desk. "I have you on speaker and your dad is here Addy."

"Hi, Papá . I heard Mamá tell you about Rafe."

"Is this Rafe who works with Wade?"

"Yes." She grew nervous as she waited for her father to say something. She began picking at invisible lint on her slacks, then she twisted her hair around her finger. The bedroom door opened and Rafe entered the room. His grin sent butterflies to flight in her tummy. He sat on the sofa next to her and his scent, presence and heat were more than welcome.

"From everything I've heard about Rafe, he's a good man."

Rafe grinned at her. "Thank you, sir. I just entered the room."

"Rafe, as Addy's father, and the only man who has loved her to this point in her life, you need to know I take her life very seriously. Both Isi and I do. I understand things can happen between couples, but you better treat her right. You understand?"

Rafe stared at her, the grin on his face was impossible to look away from. "Yes, sir. I understand."

Her mom finally spoke. "I'm looking forward to meeting you in person, Rafe."

"I'm looking forward to meeting you as well Mrs. Masters."

"Isabella. Or Isi is what my friends call me."

"I'm looking forward to meeting you as well, Isi."

He leaned in and kissed her lips. "I'm sorry, but I have to get back to work. I simply wanted to meet you, even by phone."

Her parents spoke at the same time. "It was nice to meet you, Rafe."

He chucked her under the chin with his finger, winked at her and left the room. She had to work not to sigh.

Her mom interrupted her carnal thoughts. "Addy, when can we see you?"

"I hope soon Mamá. Let us get this mission sorted."

Commotion from the other room grabbed her attention. “Mamá, I have to go. I love you and Papa’."

"We love you too, Addy."


Myles and Spencer entered the HOG, dropping gear and hitting the refrigerator for anything they could find. A beautiful woman with long dark hair descended the staircase and slipped into Tate's office. Addy stepped into the living area and turned to the kitchen as Myles opened the refrigerator door.

"Helissa made you meals and put them on the middle shelf." She informed them.

Myles peered around the refrigerator door and grinned. "Thanks."

Then his eyes peered above her head and straight into his. Addy turned and saw them staring at each other. She strode toward Myles.

"Rafe's here because King's men were trying to arrest him." She tucked her hands in her front pockets. "And he's with me."

Myles stopped staring at him and dropped his eyes to Addy. He pulled a meal container from the refrigerator and set it on the counter.

Spencer moved passed both of them and headed for the stairs.

Rafe stood and strode toward the kitchen. Myles watched him the entire time and Rafe inhaled a deep breath, ready for whatever was about to happen. He stopped next to Addy, put his arm around her shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

"Myles, Addy and I are together. I'm a good person. I won't hurt her."
