Page 74 of Guarding Adelaide

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"Rafe, what's happening?"

"I've given everything to majority leader Robert Andrews. He was visibly shaken and left the office with a thumb drive filled with evidence. I'd say, tighten security around the senator. Shit will get real very soon."

"Thanks for calling, Rafe. I appreciate the heads-up."

He hung up from Tate and sat on the large leather sofa in his office and dialed Addy. He missed the hell out of her. It felt worse because he was so far away from her now. He felt emotionally far from her too after the way he left this morning.

"Hi, Rafe. How are you?"

"Addy. Honey, I miss the hell out of you. How are you?"

He heard her sniff lightly and take a deep breath. "I'm fine. I've been staying busy. How are you?"

"I'm here in my office at seven at night waiting for Robert Andrews to let me know what's happened. I don't know if I can go home. And, for now, I'm safe here, so I'm staying put. I miss you and wish I could hold you right now."

"I wish you could hold me too. Did you mean it? You're coming back?"

"Of course I meant it."

A knock on his office door startled him. "Hey baby, someone's at my door. I'll let you know what's going on in a little while."

He stood from the sofa and sucked in a lungful of air. He dialed Robert Andrew's phone and waited for him to answer.

"Rafe. I'm at your office door."

"Are you alone?"


Rafe's knees shook as he walked across the floor of his office. It had never felt so large. He opened the door and saw Andrews standing there, alone and visibly shaken.

He opened the door wider, "Come in."

He closed and locked the door behind Andrews. Andrews shuffled to the chairs in front of Rafe's desk and plopped down. Rafe took the vacant chair next to him.

"What's happening?"

"I've told a small caucus of our party what I have. We're researching right now what needs to be done. This is unprecedented. The Supreme Court has never ruled on an indictment of a sitting president and likely will not, due to the unique powers the president holds. But King isn't president yet, so we don't have much time. We're working on an indictment now. It will be taken to the DOJ in the morning. I'm sure King will hear about it before that happens. We know there are spies everywhere and this is big."

"Yes. That's a fact."

Andrews leaned forward. "Rafe. I mean this with all sincerity. Get out of town. Go somewhere until this blows over. As soon as King finds out, he'll be angrier than a wet hornet and he will lash out. After reading some of the documents over, his life is on the line here. He'll go to prison for a long time and he won't do well there. Get out. There's nothing you can do from here that you can't do from somewhere else."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Go. Go now. Don't look back. I'll keep in touch. I bought a burner phone." His hands shook as he pulled a burner phone from his inside pocket. It was still in the package and sealed.

"I have this number." He handed him a phone number with a shaking hand. "My burner phone. I'll contact you on this."

"Thank you, Robert. I appreciate the heads-up."

"Do you have transportation? Can you get out of town without notice?"

"Yes. I believe so."

Andrews stood. They shook hands and he hurriedly left Rafe's office. Rafe packed up his computer and swiftly left the building via the secret hall. He started to order an Uber on his phone, then worried that would be a record. He decided to walk to the street outside of the parking area and get on a bus. No one would look for him on a public bus.

The entire walk he looked around him, checked his surroundings and basically felt like a man on the run, which he sort of was. He found the bus stop, waited in the shadows rather than the lighted glassed-in bus stop and continued to look around, trying not to look suspicious.
