Page 9 of Brought to Light

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He offered me a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with something that resembled understanding. “I told you you don’t have to thank me. Just get some rest and take care of yourself.”

“I will. No more attacking my helpful neighbors with umbrellas.”

He laughed. “Is that what that was?”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

He laughed harder and I found myself loving the sound. But it occurred to me I didn’t even know this man’s name. I didn’t know anything about him. And I wasn’t in any position to enjoy the sound of his laughter. I needed to keep things neighborly. I looked at the clock on my bedside table.

“Alex said she would stop by around noon. So you don’t have to stay.”

“I don’t mind. You should probably check in with your doctor.”

“Oh right. Well I don’t have one in town yet. And I don’t know how to reach Dr. Espinosa at the ER. That’s not really proper protocol anyway.”

“You think you should get checked out again?” He looked at his watch. “I can take you over there.”

“God, no. Thank you. But no. I’m okay. I knew I shouldn’t have gotten up and I did anyway. Lesson learned.”

I didn’t want to take up any more of his time. And despite how good he smelled, and holy shit, how hard he was when I was pressed up against him. Maybe my head really was worse than I thought, because how could I have forgotten that for even a moment?

This was not good. This neighbor man was far too hot. And kind. And helpful. And in my space. I needed to breathe.

“I’m going to text Alex and see if she can come over a bit earlier. I’ll be fine. Promise.”

He didn’t look convinced, so I grabbed my phone from where it sat on my nightstand.

He took a step forward. With the practiced ease of someone far more interesting than myself, he slipped his hand around my phone and plucked it from my grip.

“What are you...”

He swiped up with one long finger, then held the screen in front of my face to unlock it.


Ignoring me, he tapped his thumbs rapidly across the screen, then pressed the home button on the side and set it back down on my table.

“Stay in bed. I’ll be by later.”

And without another word, the tall, charismatic neighbor with a responsive penis and unlaced boots, sauntered out of my bedroom. A moment later, I heard the front door close behind him.

I grabbed my phone to investigate. Nothing was different on my home screen, but when I looked at my messages, I saw two that hadn’t been there earlier.

The first was to Alex.

Sawyer says come over now because he doesn’t trust me to ask for help.

My mouth gaped open indignantly. That was totally rude and not entirely untrue. This man was going to drive me crazy, I could tell already.

And Sawyer. What a nice name. It fit him, somehow. I clicked on the second text, to the unknown number.

I liked the way you felt against me. Sorry I tripped you with an umbrella.

Before I could consider what this meant, my phone buzzed with a response from the unknown number.

Text me if you need anything. I’m working later, but I’ll check in when I get home.

Oh. Okayyy.
