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I take a bite as I consider how to answer.

“I’d say it’s more like I’m changing for me.”I speak around a mouthful of fried bird.“Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with her.”I pause for their reactions, but nobody falls to the ground in shock.In fact, Gabe and Wyatt exchange glances like maybe they’ve already discussed this possibility.“Wow, okay, life-changing announcements don’t have the same weight these days,” I grumble.“Anyway, Liv’s spent the past month talking about what a decent guy I am.She’s clearly wrong, but what the hell?I may as well see if I can be slightly less of a chaotic mess.”

Wyatt scoffs, and I glance over in time to see the most big brotherly of eye rolls.

“Oh my God, Holly.Getoveryourself.You were a good guy, you are a good guy, you’ve always been a good guy.”He sits up carefully, like he’s still favoring the incision site.“You watch out for the little sibs, you always show up to family dinners, and you told Lisa Pfeffinger that you wouldn’t go to homecoming with her your junior year because you knew I wanted to ask her.”

I blink.“You know about Lisa?”

“She took my virginity.We’re still close.”A smirk crosses his face before he’s all business Wyatt again.“But we’re talking about you.You and the way you’re tying yourself in knots to protect Liv whether she wants it or not.You’ve believed some really weird stories about yourself your whole life, and it’s fucking tedious how wrong they are.”

“Harsh,” I say mildly, but inside my brain’s rioting.Wyatt doesn’t think I’m a fuckup?Wyatt noticed how I helped him out in social situations during high school?

Gabe jumps in.“I do actually give a shit about the business, you know.I haven’t been busting your ass nonstop about joining me just to be nice.I want to be business partners for life, dude.”

He holds out his hand for a fist bump, so I rub my greasy fingers on a napkin and give his knuckles a tap, a little too overcome to speak.

“I only know you as the guy with all the stripper stories, but these two are very convincing,” Sebastian says as he gnaws on a hunk of fruitcake.Of course, that goody-goody likes fruitcake.

Still, what Sebastian said sticks in my craw.“Right.Can’t forget all the ridiculous stripper stories.”

“Don’t confuse ridiculous with unreliable,” Wyatt says.“You’re one.You’re not the other.”

“Ridiculous?”That doesn’t sound good.

“Goofy,” Wy amends.

“A free spirit,” says Gabe.

“Funny as hell.”That’s from Sebastian.

“Uh.Thanks, guys.”

But Wyatt’s not done.“For what it’s worth, I know for a fact that you don’t want to fall in love with someone who expects you to be better.You want to fall in love with someone whomakesyou better by loving you back.”

Gabe gives a low, descending whistle that ends with his hands exploding outward.“Wyatt Jones with the truth bomb.”

He shrugs.“I’m just saying.Talk to her.Give her the benefit of the doubt that she cares about you enough to giveyouthe benefit of the doubt.”

My lifelong track record doesn’t really lend itself to the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t bring that up.I’m trying to stay positive here.

“Damn, Wy,” Gabe says.“When did you get so wise?”

“Yeah, and when are you gonna tell us what happened with you and Reese?”I add, attempting to shift the spotlight on someone else’s tragic love life for a bit.

“Never.”Wyatt lies back down, links his hands over his stomach, crosses one ankle over the other, and shuts his eyes.

I’ll get it out of him, I pantomime to Gabe.

“And no, you’re not going to magically get me to spill,” he says without moving a muscle.

“That’s some older brother witchcraft,” I mutter.Wy cracks open one eye to glare at me, and I hop up and reach for the eggnog.“Time for the toasts!”

The two experienced Golfmas-ers groan, and Sebastian looks around in confusion.“What’s happening?”

“I mean, doyouwant an eggs- and dairy-heavy drink right now?”I shove a plastic glass into his hand and pour some of the thick, rummy liquid into it, then do the same for the rest of us.

Sebastian goes a little green.“Now that you mention it?—”
