Page 14 of Winter's Daddy

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I let out a quiet curse. I completely forgot about my lunch with her. He’s not wrong about my mom being slightly terrifying. She’s the sweetest woman on the planet and would bend over backward for anyone, but she’s also bossy as hell and demanding. Especially when it comes to family. I’ve been dreading this lunch because I know it will be another attempt at setting me up. She’s been pushing me to find a woman and settle down for years.

She wants grandkids, and since I’m her only child, she’s pinned all her hopes and dreams on me. She’ll be over the moon when she finds out about Winter. I need to figure out a way to keep her from butting in until after I’ve convinced Winter to give me a chance. I love my mom to death, but she’ll send Winter running for the hills with talks of weddings and babies.

“I’ll call my mom and reschedule for next week.”

Chance laughs. “Good luck with that.”

He’s not wrong. It’s going to take a Christmas miracle to keep her away. Whenever I’ve had to cancel or reschedule a lunch or dinner, she has shown up at the office, the garage, or my house. She’s headstrong and stubborn like me. Family is the most important thing to her, and no matter how important a work meeting is, she has no qualms about barging in and demanding her time.

“I need you to send someone to Winter’s apartment. It was broken into last night and vandalized. Get rid of everything that’s destroyed except the desk. Find someone who can restore it. Also, contact the landlord and make sure he sends someone to fix the door. Make sure he understands that Winter isn’t to be charged for any of the damages.”

“She okay?” he asks, showing his rarely seen compassionate side.

I haven’t told him much about Winter, but he put things together when I spent yesterday at the garage working on her car instead of coming to the office. He knows there’s something special about her, and because she means something to me, she’s important to him. He might grumble about my mom, but he adores her. It’s the real reason he won’t call and cancel my lunch date with her. He hates disappointing her.

“She will be. They destroyed everything. All of her clothes, furniture, all of it. I’m taking her shopping to replace her clothes and necessities.”

“I’ll get someone on it within the hour. Do you want her furniture replaced?”

I'd say yes if I were a better man, but I’m not. Selfishly, I want her here with me. I could easily refurnish her apartment so she could move back in right away. I’m not going to do that, though. The longer I can keep her with me, the more time I have to convince her to stay.

“Not yet.”

“Okay. I’ll take care of everything.”

“Thanks, Chance.”

I type up a quick text to my mom, rescheduling our lunch for next week. I know texting is a cop-out, but it’s the only way she won’t grill me about my reason for rescheduling. I can’t lie to her, so this is the best way.

I turn my attention to making coffee and cooking breakfast for my woman.



I burymy face deeper into my pillow with a groan. I hate mornings. Waking up is my least favorite part of the day. It takes a minute for me to notice that my pillow is fluffier than normal and smells like the same spicy cologne Jude wears. The events of last night come rushing back, and I sit up in bed with a start. I look around and find that I’m definitely not in my crappy apartment. I’m in a big, tastefully decorated bedroom with soft gray walls and dark wood furniture. Not to mention the huge bed I’m in that’s softer than any bed I’ve ever slept on. I could live in this bed and be the happiest girl in the world.

I flop back against the pillows and try to remember how I got here. The last thing I remember is closing my eyes as Jude drove us to his place and stressing over how I’ll replace my things. Obviously, my clothes are the biggest priority. The one plus side is that it’s Monday, and the thrift store I go to marks their clearance racks down on Mondays. I should be able to find a few things cheap. I must’ve fallen asleep, and he carried me in here.

Warmth spreads through my chest at the thought of him taking care of me. I don’t know what I would’ve done without him last night. He held me together more than he’ll ever know. I’ll be forever grateful for all that he’s done. I don’t understand why he’s being so nice to me. I’m nothing special, and it won’t take him long to realize that. I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts. I’ll deal with the fallout of a broken heart once he’s gone.

I climb out of the heavenly bed and go to the en suite bathroom. It’s just as nice as the bedroom. The whole thing screams luxury, with a huge soaking tub and a walk-in shower with multiple showerheads. I’ve only seen bathrooms like this in pictures.

I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and cringe. My hair is a rat’s nest, and my eyes are slightly swollen from crying last night with dark circles under them. I look awful. It’s then I notice that I’m not wearing my elf uniform. I’m wearing a soft t-shirt that is obviously Jude’s. It’s so big it hits me mid-thigh. It covers more than my work uniform. I should probably be upset that Jude changed my clothes last night, but I’m not. It’s just another way he’s taken care of me. I am slightly embarrassed that he saw my underwear. My simple white cotton bra and red panties aren’t sexy in the least. Not that Jude wants me in that way. After last night, he probably sees me as a charity case and feels obligated to help even more than he did before.

I use the restroom and do my best to tame my hair into a braid. It’s the best I can do without washing it. Once I feel halfway presentable, I go out in search of Jude. Thankfully, all I have to do is follow the scent of freshly brewed coffee and frying bacon to find him.

He’s standing at the stove in nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants. His muscular back and firm butt are drool-worthy. If I were a bolder woman, I would walk up behind him and run my hands all over his muscular back. Maybe wrap my arms around him and feel his chest and abs. I haven’t even seen the front, and I already know it’s even sexier than the back. I bet he has one of those sexy Vs, too. The fact that he’s in gray sweatpants is the icing on the top of my fantasy.

I’m deep in my daydreams when Jude clears his throat. My eyes fly up and meet his. He’s looking over his shoulder with a sexy smirk on his face at catching me ogling him. My cheeks burn in embarrassment.

“Good morning, babygirl. How did you sleep?”

If I wasn’t already blushing, I would be at being called beautiful. I get hit on nightly at work, but one innocent compliment from Jude sends butterflies flitting in my stomach. The assholes at the bar will say anything to gain the attention of a woman, so I don’t take them seriously. Jude is different. He makes me feel special in a way no one has before.

“Good. Your bed is like magic.”

His smirk turns into a full-blown smile, and I melt. He’s so hot it should be illegal.
