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Glancing down at the baby, he groaned. “Your mother comes from one of the richest families in Texas, why didn’t she hire a nanny? Was this her way of getting revenge?”

The baby kicked her feet and then blew him a raspberry and his heart melted a little. She was cute.

But he didn’t want marriage. He didn’t want kids. He didn’t want commitment. As a boy, he’d witnessed enough to make him positive he’d never get married.

Give him a woman like Marcy who only wanted mutual, gratifying sex and he was happy.

Suddenly the baby let out a squeal that quickly turned to tears.

“What’s wrong? What do you need?”

Running his hand through his hair, he shook his head. Sure he’d had brothers, but they had been close together. He’d never been around babies much. He knew nothing.

Crying, she looked up at him, and he wanted to jump in his truck and race after her mother. But there was no way his truck could catch her Corvette.

He was a player, not a father, and he had no idea what babies needed. And he hated her crying because it made him feel like he was failing her.

What the hell was he going to do?
