Page 29 of Adored By the Wolf

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“Yeah! You back off, and I court her solo.”

I stared at Bruno like he had grown two heads. How could this be the brother I grew up with? We were inseparable. No one ever messed with us, because they knew we would have each other’s back. Now we were fighting over a girl. But not just any girl—our mate.She is mine!I growled and launched myself at Bruno.

He, on the other hand, sidestepped me and headed to the door. I landed on the seat he had been sitting on and fell to the floor, shattering the seat in pieces. Picking myself back up, I turned in time to see him looking at me from the open doorway.

“May the best man win,” he said, before heading out and slamming the door.

I roared and didn’t care who heard me. If he touched or hurt her in any way . . . .

My wolf wanted out, and I raced out of Bruno’s place and into the woods, shifting as soon as I got in the open. Since we weren’t going to follow my rules, all bets were off.


I wasthe first to wake up, so I made my way quietly to the kitchen, hoping Becca wouldn’t wake up. We had gone through so many magazines that I was a bit drained with all the information we had collected. I didn’t know how Becca was dealing with this. A wedding was an even bigger event than I had ever imagined, and thoughts of a grand wedding for myself were very quickly pushed out of my mind. I’d be happy if I just found the one person I could be with for the rest of my life.

Jacob immediately came to mind, and I let the image of him dance in my head as I started the coffee maker. Every couple I saw in the magazines made me think of us walking down the aisle, me dressed in white and him in black, my hair braided down the back with flowers placed along its length. I shook my head to get the image out of my head. I was going crazy. I didn’t even know Jacob! But the dream wouldn’t let go.

Jacob felt familiar, as if I’d known him for a long time, regardless of how many times we had met. Crazy as it sounded, I believed the only reason I had enjoyed the family dinner last night was because Jacob was by my side. I was also the calmest I’d ever felt when he was nearby.

With a cup of coffee now in hand, I took a sip of the warm brew and glanced at the clock on the wall. I’d slept longer than I thought, and Lira would be up now too. I’d be able to talk to her about Jacob.

I picked up my phone and called her. It rang until her voicemail came on, but I didn’t bother leaving a message, knowing full well she’d never listen to it. Leaving a missed call should be enough to tell her I needed her.

“You’re up early.” A very tired-looking Becca sauntered into the kitchen, reaching for the cup of coffee I had just poured.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I said.

“Me neither,” she said with a yawn.

“You would think we would have crashed seeing how late we stayed up.”

“You would think, but I was a jittery mess after looking through all those magazines. Do you think such a big wedding is necessary?” Becca asked.

“Personally, I don’t, but if it’s what you want, you shouldn’t let anyone else’s opinion dissuade you.”

“True, but I’ve never thought about a wedding. It’s not my thing, but I feel like it’s an expectation. Sandy is so excited, and I know she would just love a big wedding to celebrate my and Brandon’s marriage. She’s said as much.”

“Why don’t we just plan it then and see how it goes? You can always cut it back,” I suggested.

“I don’t know. People’s expectations and all that.”

“Well,” I said, saluting her with my coffee mug, “I think it’s way too early to be worrying about this. Why don’t we see if Jill and Sandy are awake?”

“Oh yes, let’s.”

We collected our mugs of coffee and headed next door, pounding on the door until someone came to open it.

“It is way too early for this,” Jill announced on opening the door, with what looked like a bird’s nest on one side of her head.

“Did we literally just wake you up?” I asked.

“Yes. You morning people are too much,” Jill said, opening the door wider so we could go in.

“It’s almost ten,” Becca pointed out. “Most people are up by now.”

Jill gave a chuckle before heading into the kitchen to make some coffee.

“Where’s Sandy?” I asked, following behind her. “Is she still sleeping?”
