Page 19 of The Checkmate

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“Oh c’mon, Krish. Anyone in her place wouldn’t have forgiven me so easily. An apology is not always enough.”

Krish doesn’t look convinced. We both know he is just pulling my leg, yet I want to prove my point. That’s when I see Trisha in the living room and decide to call her to settle the argument. She hurries to the kitchen, sensing that I’ve called her. As Trisha enters the room and stands next to Krish, I notice how he stiffens and his attention becomes more focused. He’s never been this attentive to any woman before. The intense way Krish looks at Trisha is not lost on me either. There’s something more than friendship on his mind, and it’s clear that he has a soft spot for her. But for now, I remain silent and ask Trisha what I have called her here for.

“Trisha, you’re aware of what unfolded here yesterday. Meher is angry with me because I hid the fact that I knew Vishnu was her half-brother, even though I had only discovered it a few days before our wedding. Now, I’d like your perspective as a woman. If your life partner had hidden something so significant from you, especially if it could affect your life, how would you respond? Would you be content with just an apology?”

Trisha looks a bit taken aback at first, but then she gives a candid, almost alarming response.

“I would have definitely not forgiven him immediately. In fact, I would have delivered one swift kick between his legs for hurting me by not sharing such crucial information about my family. Sorry for that, guys, but I would have done just that. So the next time he even thinks of hiding something from me, he will remember the pain from my sharp kick and fear his family jewels instead.”

Trisha’s reply renders us speechless. Both Krish and I are taken aback by her sheer aggression. Krish coughs awkwardly, perhaps to clear the vivid imagery Trisha painted before us from his mind. I shudder at the thought and am seriously tempted to reach down and safeguard my ‘family jewels’ lest she had already tutored Meher. Trisha, however, maintains her confident demeanour, seamlessly shifting back to her professional side.

“Anything else you wanted to ask me?” She asks with a raised eyebrow.

I shake my head, slightly dumbfounded, and express my gratitude.

“No, that’s it. Thank you so much, Trisha, for your valuable input. I’m glad Meher didn’t react like that. And please, don’t even give her the idea in the future.”

Trisha smiles, acknowledging my request, and leaves us to continue our discussion. Krish, on the other hand, remains preoccupied, staring at Trisha’s retreating back. When he finally turns back to me, I arch an inquisitive eyebrow, indicating I’ve caught him gazing at her.

“What? I was just seeing her,” Krish shrugs, slightly flustered.

“Exactly, you never look at any woman like that with so much interest. Right now, your look resembles the way I used to admire Meher when we weren’t even dating. What’s going on?” I tease.

“Nothing is going on. And please calm your horses. You don’t need to jump to conclusions. I have no plans of showing any interest in Trisha or falling for her charms.” Krish attempts to deflect the topic.

I grin at his response and tease further, “I never said you’re falling for Trisha’s charms; you said it yourself.”

I’m clearly enjoying pulling Krish’s leg this time.

Krish lets out a small groan, clearly exasperated, and decides to steer the conversation in another direction.

“Forget all this. I came here to tell you something important. We have a solid intel on where to find Raghav.”

The mere mention of Raghav reignites the anger I feel towards him. The need to find this man and bring him to justice is stronger than ever.

Krish shows me pictures of a pub called “The Roost” in Mumbai and exclaims, “This!”

I study the pictures and turn my attention back to Krish.

He continues, “My sources have traced the pub’s background data, and we have discovered that Raghav has been the undisclosed co-owner of the pub for the past eight years. Although his name is on the legal ownership papers, my guys were able to obtain this lead through their investigation.”

“Are we sure about this?” I question.

“Initially, I had my doubts, but after I saw this, I am sure,” he replies, showing me a picture of a man wearing a wristband with the Bat emblem on it, the same emblem I’ve been trying to decode. “That’s the wristband worn by every VIP member of this club. The entry to the VIP area, located two floors below, in the basement, is allowed only with this band.”

Krish proceeds to provide more details.

“We know Raghav is part of the Bat emblem gang, whoever they are, and it’s possible that this group has a secret operational base here in Mumbai, at ‘The Roost’.”

This new development intrigues me as Krish continues to explain further. I ponder for a moment, piecing things together, and then it dawns on me.

“Even the place where a bat lives is called its roost,” I connect the dots. “Hence the name.”

Krish hadn’t thought about that before.

“Seriously, why are these people so obsessed with bats? Who has that kind of fascination?” he grumbles.

“We’ll find out once we catch hold of Raghav,” I mutter, clenching my jaw.
