Page 44 of The Checkmate

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They both go quiet.

“We have a problem to handle, and if you both don’t cooperate, we all have much to lose. So, without wasting any more time, I need information on Tej Khurana. Anything and everything that you both know about him,” I put my feet down.

Pratap Walia shrugs and makes his way back to the couch. I know he’ll need time to cool off. I turn to Dad, who nods in agreement and finally opens up that chapter of their intertwined lives, which neither of the two had ever shared with their families before. And that’s when we all came to know that this story was never abouttwobest friends Pratap Walia and Kailash Shergill. The story was aboutthreefriends. Once upon a time, Tej Khurana was in that same group and was the most integral part of their friendship.


Back in the 1970s, Kansapur was a quaint little village nestled amidst the rolling hills and lush greenery of the Western Ghats in Maharashtra, untouched by the hustle and bustle of the modern world. Life in this village flowed at a leisurely pace, governed by the rhythm of nature. The mud-brick houses, with their thatched roofs and colourful courtyards, reflected the simple yet vibrant spirit of the villagers. And in this idyllic setting, three inseparable friends, Kailash Shergill, Pratap Walia and Tej Khurana, spent their carefree childhood days. Their bond was as strong as the ancient banyan tree that stood at the heart of the village, its sheltering branches providing a haven for their youthful adventures.

Kailash, the compassionate soul, had a heart as big as the village itself. Pratap, the quiet observer, possessed a wisdom beyond his years. And Tej, the mischievous one, was always up for a daring escapade. Together, they formed an unbreakable trio, their friendship a beacon of light in the tranquil village life.

Their days were filled with laughter and camaraderie. They roamed the fields, exploring hidden nooks and crannies, their imaginations transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. They climbed trees, chased butterflies and played hide-and-seek, their carefree spirits echoing through the village lanes. As they grew up, they shared their dreams and aspirations with each other, which were as limitless as the sky above. They dreamt of bringing prosperity to their village by eradicating poverty and illiteracy. They dreamt of making a difference in the country, of leaving behind a legacy that would be talked about for decades. Their friendship, forged in the innocence of childhood, was the foundation upon which their common dreams rested. They knew that together, they could achieve anything they set their minds to.

And so, from their teenage years, they embarked on a journey, deciding to start their own political party together once they grew up.

The three even bifurcated their responsibilities over forming this political party in the future. Kailash was given the responsibility of picking up the name of the party, Pratap listed out their roles and agenda to work on when the party would be formed and Tej was the one who decided to sketch out the symbol for their party.

“So, Tej,” Kailash began, his voice laced with excitement, “have you given any thought to the symbol for our future political party?”

Tej nodded, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. “Yes, I have. And I believe I’ve come up with something rather unique.”

Intrigued, Kailash and Pratap leaned forward, their anticipation palpable. Tej unfurled a piece of paper, revealing a sketch of a bat, its wings outstretched, poised for flight. A collective gasp escaped the Kailash and Pratap’s lips.

“A bat?” Kailash exclaimed, unable to hide his surprise. “Are you sure, Tej?”

Pratap nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in confusion. “While I admire your creativity, Tej, I’m not sure a bat is the most appropriate symbol for a political party. It’s scary.”

Tej, undeterred by their scepticism, calmly explained his reasoning. “Bats, my friends, are often misunderstood creatures. They are nocturnal, silent fliers and are often associated with darkness. But let us not forget their remarkable qualities. They are resilient, adaptable and play a crucial role in maintaining ecological balance.”

He paused, letting his words sink in. “Our political party, too, must embody these qualities. We must be willing to work tirelessly, even in the face of adversity. We must find our strength in unity, just as bats do in their colonies. And we must strive to maintain a balance of fairness and justice in governance.”

Tej’s words resonated with Kailash and Pratap, their initial doubts giving way to admiration. They saw in the bat a symbol of their shared vision, a creature that embodied the courage, resilience and determination they aspired to bring to their political endeavours.

“Wow, Tej,” Kailash declared, his voice filled with newfound conviction. “Your idea is brilliant! The bat shall be the emblem of our party then.”

Pratap nodded in agreement, his face beaming with pride. And so, under the watchful gaze of the setting sun, the three friends made a pact. The bat, a creature often overlooked and misunderstood, would become the symbol of their political journey.

Years passed, and the flame of patriotism in Pratap and Kailash’s hearts burned brighter with each passing day. They all shifted from Kansapur to Mumbai for a better life and to get into politics. Although Pratap and Kailash were still determined to make a difference in their country, to bring about positive change and social reform, Tej’s path took a different turn.

Tej’s parents had passed away when he was just a toddler, leaving his grandfather as his primary caretaker. However, with the demise of his grandfather, Tej found himself adrift, alone and vulnerable. He was then sent to live in another town with his uncle, a prominent politician at the time. Without the guiding presence of Kailash and Pratap, Tej became close to his cousins, who introduced him to a life of greed and deceit for personal gain and other practices. Their proximity altered Tej’s once innocent mindset. Unfortunately, without Kailash and Pratap to steer him back onto the right path, Tej succumbed to a downward spiral.

Within two years, driven by greed, Tej’s Uncle, along with his extended family, utilised political connections to seize Tej’s inheritance, leaving him destitute and homeless. When Kailash and Pratap discovered this, they immediately intervened, travelling to bring Tej back into their fold. They offered him refuge, welcoming him into their lives and homes.

Despite their strong support, Tej’s spirit began to crumble under the weight of his circumstances. He grew increasingly resentful and bitter, his once gentle nature replaced by a hardened pessimism. Seeking solace in fleeting pleasures, he resorted to gambling and illegal activities, desperate to escape the harsh realities of his life.

Meanwhile, disheartened by the deep-rooted corruption within the political system, Kailash decided to focus on social work, believing that true change could only be achieved from the ground level. Pratap, on the other hand, joined an existing political party, guided by his elder brother and father, determined to bring about reform from within the system.

Their shared dream of starting a new political party had faded, but their friendship remained strong. They supported each other, offering advice and encouragement whenever needed. However, they were oblivious to Tej’s dark descent into criminality.

Driven by greed and a thirst for power, Tej had secretly joined forces with a group of notorious thugs. He stole military arms and ammunition, supplying them to local dealers. His actions, fuelled by a desperate need for control and a twisted sense of patriotism, were a stark betrayal of his upbringing and the values he once shared with his friends.

As Tej’s involvement in the illicit arms trade deepened, he became increasingly enamoured by the thrill of the underworld. He revelled in the power he wielded, the fear he instilled in others and the wealth he accumulated. His transformation was stark; his once noble spirit was replaced by a ruthless ambition that knew no bounds.

Kailash and Pratap, busy with their tireless efforts to make a difference in their country, were unaware of Tej’s descent into darkness. Little did they know that the friend they once cherished had become a dangerous enemy, a threat to the very values they held dear.

And then came a day when Pratap’s personal secretary, Vandana, a woman of unwavering integrity and loyalty, saw Tej smuggling arms and ammunition. Vandana was Pratap’s love interest, and the two had decided to get married soon. They had to keep their love affair a secret, aware that its revelation could tarnish Pratap’s rising political career. Her belief in his vision of a new political party was a constant source of Pratap’s strength. They chose professionalism in the public eye, but their hearts yearned for the day when they could proclaim their love to the world and walk hand-in-hand. Pratap knew that the day would come when he would introduce Vandana to his parents and seek their blessing for their union. He was confident that they would embrace her with open arms, recognising her as the woman who had captured his heart and strengthened his resolve to give his best for his country. But until then, they had to keep their affair under wraps.

When Vandana caught Tej red-handed, she confronted him, driven by a sense of duty, knowing that Tej’s actions were a betrayal towards the country. However, Tej instilled fear and doubt in Vandana’s head by telling her that Pratap was also involved in this robbery. That the man she loved and admired had his hands tainted by corruption. Tej claimed that Pratap, under immense pressure from his political rivals, had indeed made a deal with the devil, agreeing to overlook Tej’s crimes in exchange for some fake votes in the upcoming elections. Torn between her love for Pratap and her loyalty towards her country, Vandana decided to confront Pratap that very day, but before she could meet him, a handful of Pratap’s men barged into her home and threatened Vandana and her mother to keep their mouths shut, or else they would be forced to take some action against the two. Unable to believe that Pratap would go to this extent to threaten her, Vandana fled with her mother, leaving Mumbai city forever, thinking Pratap was blinded by his ambition and a desperate desire to succeed in the cut-throat world of politics.

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