Page 81 of The Checkmate

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Later that Night…

Standing on the balcony of my luxurious bedroom, I recall today’s incidents, the night’s darkness casting an air of valour around me. The faint sounds of the bats echo in the distance, and my gaze is drawn to a lone bat hanging upside down on a tree in my garden. Its red eyes meet mine, a silent communication between a man and a creature of the night.

My love for bats goes back to my childhood, a time when I was sent to live with my uncle after my grandfather’s death. It was there, in the company of these nocturnal creatures, that I forged a connection. My new friends cowered in fear at the screeching sounds bats made, let alone locking eyes with them. But not me. I had a rebellious attitude, and despite the ominous stories circulating about a large banyan tree in our village, which was home to a cluster of bats, I remained undeterred.

One moonlit night, curiosity and defiance got the better of me. I ventured to that feared banyan tree, standing beneath it, challenging the bats. My friends’ warnings only fuelled my determination, and I stood there, staring eye to eye with these creatures, which were considered omens. But the bats paid no heed to my presence, leaving me free to admire their unique elegance—hanging upside down, doing nothing, yet instilling fear in the hearts of those who shunned them.

From that moment, a vision took shape within me. I aspired to be like those bats—powerful and feared. I wanted my presence alone to evoke terror in the hearts of those around me. The bats became my symbol, my ally in darkness, reflecting the very essence of my existence.

As I stand on my balcony, cigar in hand, looking at the bat in my garden, its red eyes mirroring my own fearlessness, and together, we silently enjoy the power that comes from the dark shadows. My Bat Syndicate is not merely a criminal empire; it is an extension of my childhood defiance and reflects my desire to be the most feared mafia in the dark underworld. None of my sons will ever have the power I possess, and the ones who defy me will face dire consequences.

The D-Day (Weapons Delivery)



I’m in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by deformed, lifeless trees that cast haunting shadows all over the place. The darkness of the night envelops me, and an eerie void seems to stretch endlessly. Panic sets in as I struggle to find a way out, but there is an invisible force that keeps me trapped – Bats!

Sinister bats with glowing blue eyes swarm around me, their wings creating a deafening cacophony. My chest tightens with fear. I feel strangled, and the air is thick with their suffocating energy.

Desperation claws at me, urging me to escape this nightmarish realm. The relentless noise of these bats pierces my eardrums, intensifying my frustration. In a surge of anger and vulnerability, I pull the gun from my pocket. The metal feels cold against my trembling fingers as I aim at the mocking creatures and fire, each gunshot a desperate attempt to break free from the shackles that bind me to these horrendous creatures.

Abruptly, I jolt awake, my heart pounding against my ribcage. Beads of sweat form on my forehead as I catch my breath, disoriented and shaken. Meher stirs beside me and quickly sits up with concern etched on her face.

“Ayaan? What happened?” she gently asks, her voice a soothing balm in the aftermath of the night terrors.

“I’m fine,” I say, still trying to catch my breath. “Just a nightmare.” I avoid her probing gaze, assuring her that I’m okay.

Without further explanation, I rise and storm into the bathroom. The remnants of the dream continue to linger, haunting my thoughts. I strip my clothes and stand below the shower, hoping the cold water will offer some relief from the anxiety in my head. But nothing diverts my mind from that nightmare. Every time I close my eyes, those haunting blue eyes of the bat mock me. I’m about to punch my fist on the glass wall of the cubicle when Meher stops me. She’s followed me into the bathroom and is now inside the shower cubicle, standing before me.

Meher’s feather-soft kisses trace my shoulders and begin to soothe away the visions of those hellish beings. She gently turns me to face her, her lips lovingly meeting my chest, neck and cheeks, taking away my mind from the thoughts of those devilish creatures. I strip off her nightwear and, without even exchanging any words, thrust into her, wanting to draw my strength from the woman I love.

Minutes pass. The shower’s warm spray washes over Meher and me as we hold each other close. I gently touch her cheek, my eyes filled with tenderness. We have showered together many times, but the feeling is different today. The love is there, but with it, there’s too much heaviness in our hearts at the uncertainty of how today’s events would unfold.

She looks up at me, worry in her eyes. “Just come back to me soon,” she says. Her voice is thick with suppressed emotion.

I pull her closer, my hand tangling in her wet hair, desire rising up within me even through the anxiety. Before I leave for the warehouse to expose Tej Khurana’s arms trafficking deal, I am shipping off Meher and my father to Alibaug along with Trisha and some trusted guards. Aksh’s wife, Devika, is also there under Walia family security. It was a joint decision to temporarily relocate them with Devika’s family for their protection until this business with Tej Khurana is resolved. Although Meher initially refused to leave my side, I managed to persuade her last night that this was necessary for her safety.

“I promise I’ll come back to you, no matter what happens today,” I whisper to her.

I pull her into a passionate kiss again under the cascading water, putting all my love, need and determination into it. She gasps softly against my lips, melting into me, though I can still feel her apprehension. We kiss deeply as the water pours over our embracing, naked forms. Her hands wander over my back, slowly igniting sparks of desire in my body.

As our lips finally part, I rest my forehead against hers, our quick breaths mingling in the cloud of steamy air. Today, I need to give closure to the threat that has consumed us for too long—a closure to the past which connects me to that criminal family. Meher looks up at me with such tender understanding in her eyes.

“Go and demolish their criminal empire, Ayaan. I know only my King can do this. Only you.”

Her words and confidence in today’s mission instil a new energy in me. I hug her fiercely without another word, feeling the water falling around us like a protective veil, safeguarding us from the upcoming storm. I kiss her once again, urgently, needing her sweetness to give me strength as I step out of the shower to confront the demons from my past. I know I have to do this. For justice, for closure... and most importantly -for us!



Confidence radiates from me as I observe the warehouse surroundings. Everything has been meticulously orchestrated for the impending confrontation with Ayaan, and the countdown to the critical moment when Rana and I will close the biggest deal of my life has begun. As I observe the surroundings, a smirk graces my lips. I see Raghav swiftly moving around, directing our men to secure every nook and cranny of the place. After Pratap Walia, a man caught between alliances and betrayals, showed his selfish side and divulged Ayaan’s plan to us, we couldn’t ignore the warning. Pratap’s information gave us the calculated advantage we needed to prepare ourselves to oppose and thwart Ayaan’s plans today.

Last night, Rana dispatched a truckload of men to secure today’s delivery at this warehouse, adding an unexpected layer of protection and doubling the anticipated manpower. Ayaan’s overconfidence won’t work today since he’s expecting around 20-30 men here, but the count has now doubled since Rana has sent his men, too.

Raghav approaches me after instructing the men.
