Page 87 of The Checkmate

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Pratap Walia clenches his jaw, controlling his anger as he stands by my side.

“If I had discovered earlier that you were behind my brother and his wife’s death, I would have personally pulled the trigger when we first crossed paths. But even death is too lenient a punishment for your sins, Tej. Your greatest punishment is witnessing your own son dismantle everything you’ve built so far, and I’m thrilled that Ayaan executed this.”

Turning to me, he pats my back with pride before fixing his gaze on Tej Khurana again. “Ayaan may be your son, Tej, but I’m glad that Kailash raised him. No one could have done a better job than him. He’s imparted intellect, values, and, most importantly, the courage to stand against his own, if the time comes, for justice. My ego didn’t allow me to admit it until now, but today, I openly accept Ayaan as my son-in-law, and I’m proud of him.”

He looks at me with a proud smile, and I’m unsure how to respond. It’s the first time Pratap Walia has ever praised me. Our relationship has always been complicated, with neither of us ready to bow down to each other’s expectations. How can I forget how he has always disapproved of my love for his daughter and our decision to build a life together. Yet, today, receiving his approval as his son-in-law is an unexpected and heart-warming blessing.

As Tej Khurana seethes in rage, I glance at Meher, detecting a sense of pride in her eyes as her father finally shows a positive transformation. Her desire for a better relationship between her father and me seems to be coming true, erasing the awkwardness and bitterness that has always marred our association. Emotionally overwhelmed, she stands with my father, Kailash Shergill, who appears to be overjoyed at this change. Today, they both seem to be the happiest of all.

“And Raghav,” Vishnu interjects as he and Aksh step forward. “What did you call us earlier? Idiots? You seriously thought we were fools to just enter your den unprepared? Then you don’t know us at all.” He laughs. “When we discovered you were holding Meher, Dad and Kailash Uncle hostage, the first thing we did was inform Ayaan. It was his idea to send both Aksh and me here to ensure you wouldn’t harm them until he arrived. Did you think I couldn’t handle your men on my own? I could have easily taken them down, but we didn’t want to jeopardise whatever Ayaan had planned for this showdown, and I’m glad it worked out so well.”

“But it’s not over until I kill my parents’ killer. I won’t let him go,” Aksh again intervenes and lunges forward, this time at Tej Khurana, but Vishnu pulls him back.

“Aksh, no. Calm down. He will pay for what he has done with all of us,” Vishnu says, trying to make him understand and then guiding him away. “His empire has fallen.”

Tej Khurana turns to me, his chest heaving, and his eyes flash with unbridled fury.

“You...” he hisses through gritted teeth, pointing a trembling, accusatory finger at me. “I built this empire with my sweat and blood! I’ve given my whole life to it. You will NOT take it from me! You have NOT won, Ayaan! I will rebuild!”

“How?” I respond coldly. “Using the money that you’ve stashed away in your offshore bank accounts? Because, as we speak, your bank accounts are being seized. Soon, you’ll receive a notification that all your money is gone — every last penny.”

His phone beeps at precisely the same moment as Krish taps away on his laptop, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

“The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Check it for yourself,” I mockingly suggest, telling him to go ahead and check his message. He checks the incoming notification and fumes, realising I was right. All his access to that money is gone. Forever.

They say that a man accustomed to extreme wealth, when suddenly stripped of everything, will often lose his grip on sanity, too. I can see Tej Khurana heading in that same direction as he struggles to comprehend all of this—the realisation that, along with his wealth, his power to rebuild and rule has evaporated as well.

“It’s over, Tej Khurana,” I pronounce. “Your syndicate has fallen. My teams are already moving in to disrupt what remains of your operations across the globe. And as for you...” I smirk, “you will spend the rest of your life behind bars, where you won’t see the light of day again.”

“How?” Tej Khurana asks incredulously. “Paper trail, connection with the Interpol, access to surplus funds to implement a plan like this, seizing my bank accounts, disrupting my syndicate…. How? All of this is classified stuff that no ordinary man can access,” he repeats, a bit confused. “When even the most powerful law enforcement agencies couldn’t touch me or my syndicate in all these years, how could someone like you, leading a normal life, accomplish all of this?” He suddenly stops and looks at me. “Who are you?”

His bewilderment echoes in the air, capturing the attention of everyone present, including my family. The atmosphere crackles with anticipation as each person awaits my response to Tej Khurana’s question—the only secret I have kept hidden from them until this moment.

“Ever heard of GLEN?” I ask, and his jaw drops. “But of course, a globally sought-after criminal like yourself will definitely know about it,” I taunt him, enjoying the shocked look on his face as I continue. “I’m the Director of Organised International Crime in Global Law Enforcement Network (GLEN) – a worldwide organisation that works to fight international crime, drawing out the world’s most wanted and elusive criminals from their hideouts.”

Everyone who hears it freezes on the spot. Meher gasps, her hands flying to cover her mouth in shock as my professional identity comes to light before them. The unassuming businessman she married is, in reality, the Director of the formidable Global Police Organisation, GLEN.

Dad staggers back a step and is immediately steadied by Pratap Walia, who is also stumped by my professional identity. Vishnu and Aksh stare at me in disbelief.

“You... you’re a Director at GLEN?” Dad finally manages to ask, his eyes wide. “But how? When? I don’t understand... Why didn’t you tell me?”

I give him a hint of an apologetic smile. “There are parts of my work I couldn’t share earlier for your own safety, and considering the secrecy of our organisation, it prevented us from revealing our participation or true identities even to our families.”

I look back at Tej Khurana and Raghav, who bristle with powerless fury. “The Bat Syndicate has been pursued by other organisations like us for years. But none could ever find out who ruled their criminal empire...until now.”

The Global Law Enforcement Network, or ‘GLEN’ as it is called, is a powerful global organisation connecting police and law enforcement teams across borders to analyse global crime trends, coordinate cross-border investigations, provide operational support and ultimately promote global security by fighting international criminal networks. Krish and I are the directors at GLEN. While I’m involved in criminal intelligence, strategising against organised international crime, Krish oversees the gathering of intelligence and investigating cybercrime and money laundering. My henchman here, Veer, is my second-in-command who is involved in the fieldwork, unlike us.

GLEN is headed by Krish’s father, who holds the position of the President. I first met him when I was 15 and studying criminal law with Krish in Austria. Krish had confided in me that his father is the head of GLEN. Intrigued, I researched the organisation and was incredibly impressed with what it did. The way they orchestrated missions remotely thrilled me. Witnessing Dad’s commitment to social reform in India had already inspired me, motivating me to do something on a global level for humanity. After completing my degree in Criminal law, I joined GLEN’s law enforcement network team. I underwent field training and collaborated with other team members, working remotely on real missions. Krish was also in the team, focusing on technology-related aspects.

According to Dad and the other people who knew me, I was only handling Geeta Aunty’s business in Austria after her demise. Little did they know I was doing so much more than just signing the paychecks for my staff.

In just seven years of working for GLEN, my dedication and passion for the organisation became evident. As a result, I was promoted to the position of Director to bring in young talent on board to inject new perspectives into our mission. Without hesitation, I welcomed this opportunity and pledged to dedicate myself to the betterment of humanity and a world free from crime.

Being a part of GLEN gave me access to a wealth of data crucial for fighting crimes in the countries we supported. When the midday meal scandal broke out in Mumbai, and Dad struggled to acquire the necessary evidence against the project head, Bhagat, I intervened to expose the scam. I helped Dad get the proof he needed, which led Bhagat behind bars and Dad to withdraw from his indefinite hunger strike.

I was always powerful, and this is where my power stems from – the GLEN!!

Tej looks on, suppressing his anger while digesting my true identity. He suddenly stiffens and closes his eyes. The tension is palpable as his clenched jaw, fists and bulging veins on his neck reveal his struggle to accept this harsh reality. He inhales sharply, attempting to compose himself and figure out how to handle this situation where escape is no longer an option. I observe him silently, allowing him to confront the undeniable truth that his downfall has been orchestrated by none other than his own son. As he slowly opens his eyes, they reflect insanity, anger and sheer hatred. His sharp gaze is directed at me, followed by the sound of his maniacal laughter echoing through the air.
