Page 10 of The Maze

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“Did you seriously bypass my security? Really, Ayaan? Don’t you care about your life anymore? Anything could have happened to you there. Anyone could have recognised you. Why are you hell-bent on defying my orders?”

I move past him.

“Ayaan, c’mon. I’m not going to let you ignore this.”

He follows me to the stairs.

“Did you also trigger the false fire alarm?” he asks. My silence speaks volumes, confirming his suspicion. He continues, “What did you hope to achieve with this? Even though today’s conference failed, he will simply arrange another one tomorrow. You can’t prevent Pratap Walia from presenting his side to the public. Ayaan? Are you even listening to me? Ayaan, stop.”

Ignoring his incessant ranting, I make my way to my room, preoccupied with thoughts of my meeting with Meher. Bursting through the door, I head straight to the bathroom and stand in front of the sink, gazing at my reflection in the mirror. The memories of the unforgettable night we shared in Dalhousie flood my mind.

As we lay on the bed after our first round of lovemaking, her soft body nestled against mine, I couldn’t help but admire the peacefulness on Meher’s face. Leaning in, I kissed the crook of her neck, where the mark of our passion was still visible.

“Ayaan,” she murmured my name in her sleep, and my heart flipped over with love and tenderness. At that moment, everything I ever wanted was right in front of me.

I squeeze my eyes shut, attempting to erase all those haunting memories, only to open them again and meet my reflection in the mirror. Meher had entrusted me with her body, and I’d vowed to cherish her forever. Then how could I manhandle her like I did today? I had strangled her throat, nearly choking her. How could I? She is the woman I love, and no matter what the truth is, her place in my heart and my life will never change. Today, I have committed a grave sin by inflicting physical harm upon my beloved, and I need to be punished for that. Filled with self-loathing, I glare at the arm that committed the crime and forcefully slam it against the mirror before me. I repeat the action again and again till the mirror shatters into tiny pieces and scatters on the sink, bruising my wrist and fingers. Blood oozes out from the deep cut and trickles on the floor. The pain is excruciating, but all I feel is numbness and a sense of peace in punishing myself for hurting my queen. They say everything is fair in love and war. But no matter how brutally she has stabbed my heart, I vow never to cause bodily harm to my love ever again.


Next Day

I open the car door to get inside when Krish stops me. Damn! Friends are your biggest enemies at times. Even if all they want to do is protect you. After the failed attempt yesterday, Pratap Walia is addressing the media from the Walia house today, which is why I need to play my next card. I cannot allow any interruptions to disrupt my plans.

“Not again, Ayaan,” Krish says, slamming the car door shut and standing between me and the car.

“You can’t house arrest me, Krish. I’m not going to let that happen.”

“No one is arresting you. All I’m saying is to keep me informed of your moves and actions like you once did so I can protect you better. With the way you are behaving, it’s like I have no effing clue of what you are going to do next.”

“That’s because you are no longer supportive of my moves. Believe in me, and I’ll tell you what I plan to do ahead.”

Krish sighs, shaking his head.

“I came here all the way from Austria to save your ass, not to push it more into the fire burning around you.”

“I don’t give a damn about that fire,” I shout. “And no matter what you want, Krish, this time, the rules have changed. I’ll navigate this game because it’smydad fighting for his life andmylove deceiving me for her family. So this time, it goes ahead asIsay, notyou.”

The silence stretches between us as Krish stares back at me.

“Wow.Yourfather,yourfamily, huh? So, now you want to isolate me from your family?”

He looks hurt and dejected.

“Perfect! Do whatever you want then,” he mocks and is about to stomp away when I stop him.

“I… I didn’t literally mean that,” I mutter, feeling ashamed of myself as Krish has been like a brother to me since childhood.

Krish raises an eyebrow at me and grins mischievously. “Yeah, right. You can never disown me completely. Otherwise, who will save your ass every time you land yourself in precarious situations? You need me, buddy, as much as I need you. So stop kicking my ass and let me do the work I excel at.

I roll my eyes and can’t help but crack a smile at his playful remark.

“That’s true. We both are each other’s anchors. Which is why you’re stuck with me for life.” I chuckle, giving him a playful nudge.

“Well, I guess I’ll have to learn to live with that, won’t I?” he laughs.

I stop laughing, but the smile lingers on my lips, courtesy of Krish’s innate ability to inject humour into any situation.

“I want this smile back, Ayaan,” Krish adds, his voice filled with concern. “I’m worried about you, buddy. I’ve never seen you like this before.”
