Page 13 of The Maze

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“If this is how you want to talk to me, Ayaan, then I don’t want to talk to you at all. Are you done?”

“No, I’m not done,” I mock. “Because I still haven’t asked you the all-important question that has been haunting me for days.”

She swallows.

“Was sleeping with me in Dalhousie also a part of your game plan?”

Meher cringes.

“What doyouthink?” she asks, her face red with anger.

“I don’t think so,” I add, gauging her reaction. “Because both Vishnu and Aksh were totally shocked and unhappy about it.”

Meher gives me a seething glare.

“F*ck. You. Ayaan.”

“That we will,” I whisper gently, a steely glint in my eyes. “I will f*ck the deceit out of you very soon, Meher Walia. So that all you have left to give me is love and complete honesty,” I promise.

Meher quickly realises the blunder in her words. She didn’t literally mean to f*ck me, but I did.Very soon.

The sound of the news blaring from the TV in the café draws our attention. Pratap Walia appears on the screen, delivering that much-anticipated interview, vehemently denying his involvement in my father, Kailash Shergill’s, accident. He claims to have been in Mahabalipur at a health camp during that time and is supported by his ministers and political party members who can vouch for his presence. His entire family—Aksh, Devika, and even Vishnu, is standing beside him, except Meher, who is absent as she is here to meet me.

This is precisely what I had planned—to prevent Meher from attending and demonstrating her unwavering support for her father in this crucial conference. The reporters seize the opportunity, bombarding Pratap Walia with questions about Meher’s absence. The Walias hastily fabricate an excuse, claiming she is unwell and hence is unable to attend the conference.

Realisation dawns upon Meher, and she abruptly rises from her chair, ready to leave. She knows now that I’ve orchestrated her absence, successfully making her miss her father’s all-important interview. As she glares at me in frustration and prepares to leave, I stand up and pull Meher towards me from behind by putting my arm around her shoulders. Her back presses against my chest, embraced firmly by my arm. Leaning in, I gently whisper into her ear, the scent of her familiar lavender perfume evoking memories of our intimate moments together.

“I know you love me, Meher,” I whisper, my lips inches away from kissing her earlobe. “I’ve seen love for me in your eyes when I was inside you, claiming you as mine. When your body shuddered at my touch. When you pushed yourself into my mouth when I was tasting you.”

I nuzzle my nose against the crook of her neck, finally savouring the intoxicating fragrance that I still yearn for. Meher momentarily succumbs to my embrace, pressing her body into my hardened one. I growl with satisfaction as she closes her eyes, feeling her own body deceiving her.

“Just like this,” I add huskily, placing a gentle kiss on her jaw. I’m rock-hard and want to do so much more.

Meher grabs my arm encircling her shoulder, and grips it hard. Her response to my touch has always been f*cking sexy.

“My intuitions tell me that although you deceived me and sabotaged my plan in Dalhousie for your family, whatever happened between us that night was real.”

Meher bites her lower lip as if curbing the urge to retort.

“And as you can already sense it, your betrayal doesn’t diminish my aching need for you.”

She swallows with a moan when I press my hardened erection further into her behind. I’m thirsty.For her.

“But love and loyalty are two sides of the same coin, Meher. If one side is fake, the entire coin is useless. So, if I want your love, I demand your loyalty too.”

I turn her around in the circle of my arms and pull her chin up, forcing Meher to meet my eyes.

“So now there is only one way to go ahead. Step down from supporting your father. Choose me over him or be prepared to see your King waging war against your family…againstyou.”

My final demand wakes her up from her stupor. Her resistance quickly resurfaces. In an instant, she forcefully shoves my arm and hastily makes her way towards the exit. Now she’s starting to piss me off in the true sense. I confronted her about her deception, yet she offered me no explanation, not even an apology for acting in her family’s best interest. I won’t let Meher stay silent over such a crucial matter. She is gravely mistaken if she thinks my love for her will protect her from the havoc I plan to unleash upon her father. I meant every word I promised her. The war of the King is inevitable. All I wanted to test first was my Queen’s limits. And I now know exactly where her limits break.



I hate his effing guts. As I sit in the car, my mind races with so many doubts and conflicting emotions. Ayaan’s words echo in my head, his demands ringing in my ears. The intensity of his gaze still lingers on my skin, igniting a fire within me that I both despise and crave. Despite everything, he knows that I still love him, and that infuriates me to no end. How can he be so blind to the reasons behind my actions? I’m just protecting my family and ensuring their well-being. Yet he expects an apology and explanation that I can’t provide.

But the physical chemistry between us, the undeniable attraction, remains as potent as ever. It hasn’t waned, not even a fraction, despite the riotous events that have unfolded between us. On the contrary, it has only grown stronger, intensifying with each passing moment. That spark we once shared has transformed into a blazing inferno, consuming everything in its path. The scruff of his five o’clock shadow still tingled across my neck and jawline where his lips had pressed against my skin.
