Page 27 of The Maze

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I’m speechless. What does she mean?

“I’m asking you what the media is eager to know, dear. Don’t get me wrong. I may be busy, but I do keep my eyes and ears open. I have been following the recent controversies involving you and Ayaan Shergill.”

Alright! This wasn’t expected. I didn’t come here to explain my relationship status with Ayaan to her or anyone else.

“Well,” I shrug. “You know better than to believe everything that the media presents as true. At times, there are a few concocted lies too.”

She looks carefully into my eyes.

“Hmm,” she nods. “If that’s what you say, Meher. But take this wise woman’s advice. A man wounded in love is the most dangerous adversary. You should stay away; else, he’ll burn down your world into ashes without you even knowing about it.”

Her advice is undoubtedly chilling, yet every word she spoke holds true. Lately, I’ve been getting a similar vibe around Ayaan. Thinking about him now reminds me of the true reason for my being here. Therefore, as we take our seats for the dinner to which she graciously invited me tonight, I initiate a conversation with her, delving straight into the heart of the matter.

“Dad told me about your interest in merging with another political party.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Have you thought about the party you want to associate with?”

“Not yet,” she smiles. “But your father has requested I think about his NEP party.”

“I’m sure he has,” I sigh. “After all the incidents that are happening with us one after the other, he really needs to strengthen his party. It will be a great advantage for him to have someone like you supporting him. The worst part is that I cannot do much to help him despite being responsible for all the mishaps with the family lately.”

Asha Devi looks at me, pausing mid-bite as I continue.

“I didn’t come here just to meet you,” I confess. “I want to help Dad, and so far, the only help I see right now is you.”

She keeps looking at me.

“If you join the NEP party with your supporters, then Dad can secure a majority and become the Chief Minister.”

She puts the spoon down and intertwines her fingers over the table, paying careful attention to my words.

“Had Mom been alive, she would have asked you for this favour,” I stutter.

It makes me feel sick in the stomach, trying to manipulate her, but I still do. I gently cover her hand with mine over the table, looking into her eyes pleadingly.

“I’m here to request you, Ashaji. This is my only chance to do something about the guilt that has been weighing heavily on my conscience. My actions have damaged my father’s political standing due to the scandal surrounding my relationship with Ayaan. This has significantly impacted his power. Furthermore, Ayaan’s impulsive allegation regarding my father’s involvement in his own father’s accident has led to a loss of trust among the political party members. And I’m solely responsible for that.”

I swallow my tears.

“You mentioned that my mother believed in fostering genuine relationships based on love, not personal gain. It would be a huge help if you could contemplate this and consider joining the NEP party. If, just for once, you could choose the love you had for your best friend, my mother, and me. Dad has already briefed you on how this decision would benefit you and your fellow MLAs in terms of growth. I’m sure your ideologies align with Dad’s, and together, you can work towards the betterment of the state. Please think over it, Ashaji. Your agreement would ease all my concerns. Please help us.”

She takes a whole minute to process everything while I remain silent. She then presses my hand holding hers, and gives me a broad smile.

“You didn’t have to convince me this much. I was already considering joining your father’s NEP party. In fact, I was going to call your father tomorrow to address any remaining concerns and move forward with the merger. However, whatever little doubts I had about joining the NEP party have now been laid to rest after listening to you. I will discuss this with the other MLAs who are supporting me, and we will proceed with the merger.”

As soon as she utters those words, I let out a sigh of relief. This is such a great achievement. For the first time, I could be of some help to Dad. I jump up from my chair and give her a hug. There’s no better feeling than this. While Ayaan talked about dismantling the queen’s powers, I just strengthened them, ready to rule the game once again!


After dinner, I return to the hotel, feeling a sense of accomplishment. Convincing Asha Devi to join Dad’s political party was finally a success. The joy in Dad’s voice when I shared the news with him over the phone call while driving back to the hotel was priceless. Finally, our efforts to regain control of his political party, which had slipped away because of me, seem to be successful. Even Ayaan, the stumbling block in our endeavours, couldn’t stop me from winning this time.

I take a hot shower, the water cascading over me, while thoughts of Ayaan absorb my mind. He’s still in this hotel. His bold challenge echoes in my thoughts, claiming that the queen’s powers can be stripped away without her even realising it. But after meeting Asha Devi, a newfound determination fills me. I’m eager to prove to Ayaan that I can emerge victorious, no matter what obstacles he throws my way.

Determined to meet Ayaan and confront him, I step out of my room, my hair still slightly damp. I know that Ayaan’s room is adjacent to mine, and rather than knocking and waiting for permission, I decide to enter unnoticed. Just as he had done earlier in the day, hoping to find incriminating evidence against Dad that could thwart my plans. Why should the king have all the privilege of surprising the queen? I’m ready to turn the tables and confront him on my terms.

I catch sight of a housekeeping staff member in the elegant floor lobby, and a mischievous plan quickly forms in my mind. I pretend to be in a hurry as I approach the staff member, claiming I have lost my room key. To my relief, the obliging staff member agrees to unlock the door for me, and with a grateful smile, I slip into Ayaan’s room, ensuring to close the door quietly behind me. Ah, that was surprisingly easy.
