Page 39 of The Maze

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She pushes me gently away.

“I’m going to my father’s place. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I can’t bear to be here with you anymore.”

I watch helplessly as she walks out of the room, tears streaming down her face, leaving me to bear the consequences of my actions and reflect on the shattered trust and love between us.

I kneel down on the floor, feeling completely shattered and torn. If the game of power demands a sacrifice, the game of revenge does too. I was never prepared to lose the woman I love as collateral damage in my quest for vengeance.



Same Night

I am standing at Marine Drive, at my mother’s favourite spot. Ayaan and I have had many beautiful memories here as well. Like last time, I again managed to slip past my security guards and came here for some solitude. I was feeling suffocated and restless at Walia House and needed to breathe.

Betrayal!It has the power to take a life without shedding blood. The scars of betrayal run deep, the pain continuing to haunt despite the passage of time. Aksh’s betrayal has left an indelible mark that we will always carry with us. He meticulously plotted his way to the throne with his cunning mind, but he couldn’t outsmart Ayaan’s intellect. Despite using me as a pawn in his game and giving checkmate to both Ayaan and my dad, Aksh couldn’t achieve his ultimate goal.

Following this tragic revelation at home tonight, Devika bhabhi left for her parent’s house to have some alone time away from her husband. She was as upset as we were, and it pains me more that she couldn’t share the news of her pregnancy with all of us. I happened to overhear her informing Aksh bhai of her pregnancy just before she departed, but I didn’t even get the chance to congratulate her or stop her from leaving because if I am feeling so bad by what happened, she must be devastated. The man she held in such high regard has revealed an entirely unfamiliar side of himself – an unpleasant one. I understand her need for some space.

I take a deep breath and rub my palms on my forearms to calm myself. Why does love have to hurt always? Aksh loves Devika but kept an important part of his life from her, the part of wanting to avenge my Dad and using me as bait when the opportunity struck. Aksh’s actions and betrayal towards the family deeply hurt Devika bhabhi, causing her to leave home.

Although I empathise with bhabhi’s situation, I am angry at Ayaan for having accused me of betraying him too. How could Ayaan even think that? That the woman who took so many risks to be with him—confessing her love boldly, deceiving her own family, breaking their trust to escape with him to Dalhousie, and never hesitating to give him her heart and body would ever betray him? He questioned my loyalty. It’s ridiculous! As tears flow down my cheeks, I find it hard to understand how he arrived at that conclusion. The memories of our passionate night together in Dalhousie keep coming back to me and haunting me.

The urgent need to relieve my bladder disturbed my peaceful slumber. As I opened my eyes, I found Ayaan lying next to me, shirtless, his morning look oozing sexiness. Memories of our passionate lovemaking flooded my mind, intensifying my desire to stay with him forever. But the urgency to use the washroom was so high that I was forced to extricate myself from his warm embrace, but not before pecking his lips gently. Though Ayaan remained in a deep sleep, he subconsciously protested the loss of my touch.

Gently brushing his hair away from his face with my fingers, I reluctantly left the bed and made my way to my bedroom in the villa to get my clothes. Last night was my first in Ayaan’s bed, and I knew from now on, it would be difficult for me to sleep alone. Ever! My body felt thoroughly loved, exhausted and sore, but it was all worth it. After freshening up in the bathroom, I stepped out and recollected a special purchase I had made during one of our shopping trips—an artistic, antique, shining white Queen chess piece. Ayaan was unaware of this purchase I had secretly made in the market. I knew of his deep attachment to his black King chess piece, which he always carried with him. So, I bought the white Queen chess piece as a symbol of our unity, with him as the king and myself as the queen—always together from now on. I couldn’t wait to show him the gift.

Retrieving the white Queen chess piece from my bag, I returned to Ayaan’s bedroom. Placing it on the bedside table, I picked up the black King chess piece that he had left while undressing the previous night. Kissing it tenderly and holding it close to my heart, I stole a glance at Ayaan, feeling an overwhelming desire to do something special for him. He always took the initiative and made breakfast for us in Dalhousie, so I decided to surprise him today by returning the favour and waking him up with a scrumptious treat. I wasn’t a good cook, so I took my phone along and turned it on to check some YouTube videos to make a quick and easy breakfast with whatever ingredients were stocked up.

Taking along the black King chess piece for company and keeping my white Queen on the table for Ayaan to see, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, determined to make this morning memorable for both of us.

As I descended the stairs to make my way towards the kitchen, a shadow caught my attention near the main door. Curiosity got the better of me, and I tried to quietly open the door, hoping to catch a glimpse of the visitor without waking Ayaan. However, a sudden wave of terror hit my body the moment I recognised the figure standing there. It was Vishnu; his face contorted with an ominous expression. Panic engulfed me, and before I could scream for Ayaan, Vishnu swiftly covered my mouth with his large hand and forcefully dragged me outside. I struggled, screaming and kicking, desperate to free myself and summon Ayaan for help, but my efforts proved futile. Snatching away my mobile to prevent any kind of contact with Ayaan, Vishnu forcefully pushed me into a waiting car and shut the door. The two guards that were with him quickly held me captive, not allowing me to unlock the car door and get out.

“Let me out,” I screamed, pounding my fists against the car door in a desperate attempt to open it. “I’m not going anywhere without Ayaan.”

“Not a word more, Meher,” Vishnu snapped, his tone filled with irritation. “So this is your meditation retreat, huh? Sleeping with Ayaan Shergill!” he mocked me with a sneer.

“I love him,” I shot back, my voice laced with defiance, refusing to let Vishnu’s cheap taunts get to me.

“You can’t love him. You were explicitly warned to stay away from him, yet you chose to defy those warnings and indulge in forbidden love with the man himself?” Vishnu continued to lash out at me.

“You have no right to question my choices.” I retorted, but Vishnu kept on lashing at me.

“You have misused all the liberty your father gave you, Meher. Are you even aware that your pictures with Ayaan have been leaked in the media, causing a huge scandal?”

Pictures? Scandal? I immediately stopped struggling to open the door.

“For once, you didn’t think about your father’s reputation, did you?” Vishnu jeered.

Vishnu’s words pierced through me, leaving me speechless. When did all of this happen?

“What…what pictures? What scandal, Vishnu? Tell me,” I demanded, my voice quivering with fear and anxiety.

“See it for yourself once you are back in Mumbai,” he replied, banging his palm against the car door. He glanced at the other guards behind me and commanded. “Take her to the airport.”

The realisation that Vishnu wasn’t accompanying me to the airport sent a chill down my spine.

“Don’t you dare hurt my Ayaan,” I yelled from inside the car.
