Page 47 of The Maze

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“Your apologies won’t change anything, Krish. The damage has been done, and it’s going to take a lot more than empty words to rebuild what is broken. You and Ayaan both have let me down. First, you thought I was deceiving Ayaan, and now that you’ve discovered my innocence, you expect me to forgive you. You trusted Raj blindly, and now that you have evidence of his betrayal, you regret not believing me. I can’t shift my loyalties so easily as you do with your theories of what’s right and wrong. My trust has been shattered, and it’s not something I can simply put back together on your whims and fancies.”

Damn! She’s pissed. Krish glances at me in sympathy.

“Take me home,” Meher turns to Vishnu.

“I’m dropping her home, not you. Stay away from my woman,” I growl at Vishnu, stepping between them, determined not to let Meher leave with Vishnu.

Meher’s eyes flare, and she turns to Vishnu, “I asked you to take me home, Vishnu. Not him. At this point, you are the only one I trust.”

What the hell! Meher’s demand makes my blood boil with jealousy. Why is she trusting Vishnu blindly? I clench my fists in frustration, my heart sinking with despair. What has Vishnu done to earn her trust like this? This jealousy burning inside me is tearing me apart. I reach out and grab Meher’s wrist, desperate to make her understand.

“You’re willing to give him a chance? Really?” I ask indignantly, pointing at Vishnu. “You are willing to give the person who planted the idea of your deceit in my head a chance but unwilling to listen to my side of the story? The side of the man who loves you above and over everything?”

Meher shrugs off my hand, her eyes filled with disappointment.

“Yes, I can. Because I never had any expectations from Vishnu. I put my faith inyou, Ayaan, andyoubrutally crushed it. Now, don’t expect me to put that faith in you ever again. I don’t want to make the same mistake twice.”

Vishnu interrupts us, breaking the tension. “How did you know Meher was here?” he asks curiously.

I shoot him a fierce glare, my tone dripping with contempt. “Quit worrying about how I found out and mind your own business.”

“I was minding my own business until your friend Krish called me and informed me about Meher being abducted and shared this location with me,” Vishnu replies, unfazed by my attitude.

What the hell! My surprise is evident. How could Krish reveal that information? I turn to Krish, who shrugs and quickly steps in to explain himself.

“What was I supposed to do? After our conversation about Raj last night, I rushed to catch him before he could leave for Amritsar. That’s when you asked me to track Meher’s location, and things took an unexpected turn when we realised she was at this forlorn place,” Krish explains. “Realising her life could be in danger, and so could yours, and not wanting you to handle everything alone, I called Vishnu for backup. After all, Meher’s protection was his duty too, and he was the go-to man for the Walias if their security was under threat. I thought you might need some assistance in case the goons outnumbered you. And by the time the police arrived, it seemed wise to have additional support. So I informed Vishnu that Meher was in danger and you were on your way to protect her.”

I understand his intention, but Meher is shocked by this revelation and directs her anger towards me.

“You still haven’t answered Vishnu’s question. How did you know I was abducted and was specifically kepthere,” she asks.

I gently hold her hand and give a faint smile, slowly stroking the sleek texture of her beaded black bracelet. Realisation dawns on her as she looks between me and the bracelet on her wrist.

“This bracelet has a tracking device, Meher. I gave it to you in case you ever find yourself in a dangerous situation, and we need to locate you. When Krish showed me the evidence of your innocence today, I was desperate to meet you. I tried calling you, but you didn’t answer.”

“I don’t know if it’s telepathy or my intuition, but I could sense that you were in danger like something unfortunate had happened to you. That’s when I asked Krish to track your location, and he confirmed that it was not at Walia House. It showed this location—an abandoned factory. That’s when my doubts were confirmed, and I came here without wasting a second.”

Certainly, discovering that their movements were tracked would surprise anyone. So, I had expected Meher to be taken aback upon learning that the black beaded bracelet I had gifted her long before our affair had a tracker. However, I never anticipated her to be as furious as she is right now. It’s as if I committed a crime by trying to protect her by tracking her location.

“What the hell, Ayaan,” she punches my chest. “You can’t put a tracker on me without letting me know. That’s breaching my right to privacy.”

I grab her wrist.

“I don’t think there’s anything private between us anymore, is it?” I retort, looking adamantly at her.

She is about to unfasten the bracelet, but Vishnu beats her to it. He grabs her hand and tries to remove the bracelet from her wrist. Damn hell! I have always hated whenever Vishnu laid hands on Meher, even if it was for her protection. Before he can take it off her wrist, I push Vishnu away from Meher.

“Don’t,” I command. “Don’t you ever dare to touch the bracelet or Meher again.”

“Do you think I will allow anyone from the Walia family to be tracked by you?” he protests. “Meher is not your property that can be located whenever you want. It’s a violation of her privacy, and I won’t let that happen.”

Now he is irritating me again. I clench my jaw and point a finger at him to back off.

“Meher is not my property; she is my lifeline. And I’m just protecting what’s mine.”

My words render him speechless. I turn around to look at Meher again.

“Even if you remove it, I will still continue to protect you,” I tell her. “It will only make my job challenging if you remove it from your wrist today. Don’t do it.”
