Page 49 of The Maze

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“This means we end it here. Our relationship, our desires, our love. I’m ending it all here, Ayaan. No more love. No more trust issues. No more pain.”

I’m speechless. My penetrating gaze sweeps over her face.

“I dare you to do that,” I warn.

“I just did,” she snaps with the same intensity. “That leaves us at King-7, Queen-5, and the scoreboard also ends here.”

Saying that she turns around and walks to Vishnu, who meets her halfway. He gives me a cold look before leading Meher out of there. I want to stop her from leaving me. I want to assure her that I’ll never mistrust her again. But none of it can change her resolve for now. More than my words, I’ll have to prove with my love and actions now, and I will. No matter what, I’m not letting my Queen away from me for long. She’s mine to love, and I vow to sort out every difference and complaint she has and win her undying love again.



As we enter the Walia House, I see Dad pacing back and forth in a state of anxiety and anger in the living room. Both Vishnu and the police officials had already informed him about my abduction. Thankfully, the media hadn’t gotten a whiff of it yet; otherwise, they would have been swarming outside the Walia House to know how and why this happened. Nevertheless, seeing Dad on the verge of breaking down pricks my heart. This is the first time in my life that I have encountered such a terrifying experience. I am still struggling to come to terms with the situation, and I can only imagine how my father must be feeling knowing that I had to go through this.

“Meher,” his panicked voice breaks my chain of thoughts. My heart fills with a mix of emotions—relief, love and guilt as I rush towards him and envelop him in a tight hug. He keeps holding me tightly to him, his emotions evident on his face.

“What happened? What did they do to you?” he asks, locking me into his embrace.

“Dad, I’m safe now. I’m okay,” I assure him, my voice trembling with guilt.

He pulls away slightly, his eyes searching mine, his voice filled with anger and concern.

“Meher, how could you disregard your safety so blatantly? Why did you leave on your own, without your guards or following security protocol?”

“I’m sorry,” I mumble, unable to look him in the eye and see the worry etched on his face.

“An apology is not going to fix this,” he scolds and looks behind me. “Vishnu, increase her protection. It’s hard to believe that this incident occurred even though you were monitoring her closely.”

“It’s not his fault,” I tell Dad as Vishnu looks down guiltily. “In fact, it’s no one’s fault. I should have been careful. Yesterday was tough and overwhelming, so I went to Marine Drive for some peace and calm. Unfortunately, the abductors took advantage of the situation.”

Dad pulls me into his arms again.

“I’m glad Vishnu was able to reach you on time, or else—”

“It was not me who saved her. It was Ayaan Shergill,” Vishnu interrupts Dad.

Silence falls between us as Dad processes those words. Vishnu comes forward, continuing the conversation.

“It was Ayaan who reached Meher on time and fearlessly confronted those assailants. Had it not been for Ayaan’s swift action, the consequences could have been fatal. Meher’s safety was in jeopardy, and Ayaan risked everything to safeguard her from harm. We should be grateful to him for stepping up in a critical moment,” Vishnu adds.

Dad looks shocked and unsure about how to take this news. To be honest, even I am surprised by Vishnu’s unexpected praise of Ayaan. Based on the argument and fighting I witnessed between them, I didn’t expect him to acknowledge Ayaan’s role in rescuing me. Dad pulls me closer to him as if silently thanking God for saving me. Just as he is about to ask further questions, Aksh barges into the room, his voice agitated as he engages in a heated phone conversation.

“Yes, Commissioner, Meher is back home and is safe,” he says, rushing to us with concern and determination written all over his face. “But that doesn't change anything. I want that man behind bars. He should not be spared.”

I could sense the intensity in his gaze and the anger in his tone as he demanded justice for me.

“He has tried to hurt the Walia family and my sister. This needs to be our top priority. I’ll be there within an hour. Get the case registered. I want him arrested, Commissioner,” he barks.

I can sense his protective nature shining through his anger. Dad and I exchange a bewildered glance, surprised by this unexpected side of Aksh. Despite his involvement in the events that transpired yesterday, Aksh bhai is still protective of our family. He is behaving like yesterday never happened—that his ulterior motive of bringing down Dad’s political career using me as bait never happened. That’s strange!

He hangs up the call and rushes towards me, his eyes full of concern.

“Meher, did those goons hurt you?” he asks, his voice gentle and his worry evident. However, his expression also shows anger, as if my one reply against the goons could result in him breaking their hands for manhandling me.

I manage a weak smile, grateful for his genuine worry.

“I’m okay. They didn’t harm me much. Thank you for your concern.”
