Page 51 of The Maze

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He grins at me mischievously.

“Ahh, I see! The King’s thoughts are keeping the Queen up at night, huh? Shall I warn all the guards to stock up on their coffee tonight? I sure will need pots of hot coffee if I have to be awake all night!” he jests.

This is the first time Vishnu is teasing me, which is unusual since he’s not typically the one for playful banter. He never ever teases. And though I’m happy to see him in a casual mood, the idea that he linked me with Ayaan amuses me.

“I didn’t know you had a funny bone in your body, Vishnu. That’s interesting,” I remark, raising an eyebrow as Vishnu’s unexpected teasing sparks my curiosity. He shifts his gaze away as if contemplating how to reply.

“You know, Meher, there was a time when I used to think that Ayaan was not the right man for you. I always wanted you to steer clear of him,” he admits, his words carrying a blend of uncertainty and determination.

“Why do I sense a ‘but’here?” I ask, my heart pounding with anticipation. I need to know where this conversation is leading. Vishnu nods, confirming my suspicions.

“But...whatever happened today has changed my opinion about him,” he reveals, his voice carrying a newfound admiration.

The revelation stuns me, and I am confused by the sudden shift in Vishnu’s perception.

“Meher, I saw how Ayaan fought for you and saved you. And after seeing that for myself, I hate to admit, but I was wrong about him. He’s the only man who’s truly worthy of you,” Vishnu says, his tone filled with pride and disbelief alike.

The magnitude of his statement hangs in the air, overpowering my senses.

“Whomever your father may choose as your suitor and partner, they would not compare to Ayaan Shergill,” he proclaims, his voice brimming with certainty.

I struggle to find words, my mind racing to process the unexpected revelation from someone who was once adamantly against Ayaan.

“Ayaan’s vigilance, his love for you and his ways to protect you from any future harm...they truly stand out. Although his method of placing a tracker in the form of a bracelet on your wrist was unconventional and still bugs me, I believe his intentions were genuine. He cares for your safety as much as your family does,” he explains, leaving me speechless.

Silence engulfs us as I absorb Vishnu’s words, my thoughts churning with a mix of surprise, confusion and ample love for the man whom even his adversaries admire—my king, Ayaan.

“You may be hiding your true feelings for Ayaan from your father and Aksh, but it hasn’t been hidden from me. Remember I told you that your father deserves a strong and capable son-in-law who can fight every battle that comes our way? Ayaan Shergill is the perfect match for you. He is that perfect son-in-law, nobody else.”

Hearing Vishnu’s unexpected praise stirs both pride and relief within me.

Vishnu’s eyes reflect a deep longing as he continues to speak. “Though I don’t like him much personally, I know he is the right man for you. My loyalty lies with the Walias and your father, who may never approve of Ayaan Shergill. But I hope one day he sees what I see in Ayaan—the love and devotion he has for you. I know it may be a lot to hope for, but I am eagerly anticipating the day when this will become a reality.”

A wave of sadness washes over me, dampening the pride I felt just moments ago.

“Your approval came too late, Vishnu. However, it is not necessary now as I have already ended my relationship with Ayaan.”

He looks surprised at my revelation.

“It’s my fault for believing we could ever be together,” I continue. “There can be no future for us as I am supporting my family, and Ayaan is standing against them. We can never be on the same page ever.”

My voice quivers as I go on, my heart heavy with the memory of the betrayal that shattered our trust.

“Ayaan and I had one misunderstanding in the past, and he chose not to trust me. Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, he wants me back. But that’s unfair, Vishnu. He needs to understand the pain I’ve endured when he didn’t trust me. And even if I give him another chance now, it won’t change the fact that we’ll still be on opposite sides, where the chances of misunderstandings between us would resurface anytime. I cannot handle going through such situations with him again in the future. So, I broke up with him. There can be no more ‘us’.”

Once again silence envelops us, but it is Vishnu who breaks it with his unexpected remark.

“So, you’re saying that if I were to hurt him now, like shoot him, you wouldn’t have a problem anymore?”

“Don’t even entertain such thoughts,” I snap back at him, my voice heavy with warning. “We may not have a future together, but that doesn’t mean I no longer love him. If anyone, including you, tries to harm Ayaan, I will not hesitate to defend him. I will kick your butt before pulling the trigger and shooting you.”

To my surprise, Vishnu bursts into hearty laughter. His laughter echoes through the space, filling it with an unexpected warmth. I am taken aback, having never seen this side of Vishnu before. Witnessing this other facet of the man I never thought existed is refreshing. I wait until he relaxes before asking him about the evidence we extracted from Raj the other day. I’d copied all the evidence from Raj’s phone to a pen drive.

“Where is that pen drive?” I inquire, my gaze fixed on Vishnu.

After securing the evidence against Tripathi, Vishnu took the pen drive as we left to confront Aksh bhai that day.

“It’s in safe hands,” he responds laconically.
