Page 56 of The Maze

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“Dad, we have the evidence now. That car—”

“It wasn’t Pratap,” he repeats, interrupting me.

I don’t understand why Dad is saying this. Is it because of Meher?

“Dad, I understand why you’re saying this. You’re worried about the complications between me being in love with Meher and the ongoing enmity between our families. But that doesn’t mean we can ignore Pratap Walia’s sins just because of my feelings for his daughter,” I plead, trying to reason with him.

“No, Ayaan. I’m telling you, he didn’t try to kill me. Believe me.”

“How?” I clench my jaw. “He threatened to kill both of us just hours before your accident, right in front of the entire media. And today, we found his car, the one he reported as missing right after your accident. I’ve personally seen the condition of the car, and the tampered front bonnet is conclusive evidence that it collided with your vehicle that day. Dad, we now have solid proof.”

“Evidence can be delusional,” he asserts. “You are not going to take any action against Pratap or his family, Ayaan. Promise me.”

I can’t believe it!

“Do you realise what you’re asking from me?” I retort. “I am the son of a man who has always stood up against injustice, crime and corruption. And now you are asking me to turn a blind eye to what is right, to turn away from seeking justice, Dad?”

“Ayaan, just do as I say,” he coughs, his oximeter reading dropping again. This conversation is taking a toll on his vitals.

“Dad, we’ll continue this later. Please rest,” I try to calm him, but he firmly holds onto my hand.

“You must immediately stop all your actions against Pratap or the other Walias. Promise me, Ayaan.”

“Dad, but—”

“Promise me,” he implores, his breaths rapid and uneven. I understand there’s no room for argument now. Dad’s health is important at the moment. If he wants me to stop taking action against Pratap Walia, I will comply, but once he recovers, I’ll use all the evidence Krish and I have gathered to convince him and resume my fight.

“Okay,” I huff, conceding. “I promise. Now please rest. I’ll call the doctors to check on you.”

He closes his eyes, visibly relieved as I leave.

As I step out of the room, frustration bubbles inside me. Dad’s health is fragile, and I can’t afford to push him further, but his insistence on not taking any action against Pratap Walia irks me. I was so close to exposing him, and now I feel like my hands are tied. I won’t let this setback stop me from seeking justice and avenging my father’s pain. I’ll bide my time, play this game differently and make sure Pratap Walia still bows to my demands without him even realising it.

A wicked notion dances in my mind as I hatch a clever plan that can hit two birds with a single arrow. If I play my cards right, I’ll win what I desire the most at this very moment. A devilish grin creeps onto my lips as I realise my upcoming plan will keep Pratap Walia on his toes, leaving him with no time to prepare for the storm that is about to hit him. Let the games begin!



I have missed Devika bhabhi, my unconditional support in my times of need. Unfortunately, she had to leave for her parent’s house after Aksh bhai’s betrayal against my dad was revealed. Devika bhabhi and I share a special bond; we are more like sisters, and I can’t bear to be away from her any longer. After spending two weeks indoors at Walia House, I have decided to meet her today.

I enter Devika bhabhi’s room at her parents’ house, and she greets me with a welcoming smile. Her pregnancy glow is noticeable, and I am thrilled for her. I ask her how she’s doing and feeling, especially since she’s about to bring a new life into this world. I want to be there for her, just as she has always been there for me.

Amid our conversations, I gather the courage to ask her about Aksh bhai. I know he must have reached out to her during this period of separation. Though Aksh bhai keeps himself engrossed in his work and is not at home until late at night, I know he misses her. I am curious to know about their decision to come back together and stay under one roof—Walia House.

Devika bhabhi’s expression softens.

“Initially, I ignored his calls for a few days. But then you know Aksh,” she shrugs. “He is not someone you can ignore for too long.”

I nod. Why are all the men I know so stubborn about doing things their way?

“He’s missing me, just as I knew he would,” she continues. “He wants me to come back to Walia House. But then—” she hesitates.

I sense there’s more to her words.

“How can I face your father, Meher?” she says, her eyes filled with sadness. “Knowing what Aksh has done, I feel guilty even showing my face to uncle. And even if I forgive Aksh for his manipulation and scheming, I can’t forgive him for using you as a pawn in his wicked game. We were once a tightly-knit family living under the same roof, but now there’s bitterness and mistrust. It’s just not the same anymore.”

I understand her perspective. The betrayal and deceit that came to light have shattered the Walia family dynamics. It’s not easy to stay in that environment, knowing the truth.
