Page 6 of The Maze

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He just stares back at me without answering.

“Krish, c’mon. For my peace of mind, I need to ensure she is fine.”

“She is absolutely fine, Ayaan. It would be better if you don’t think about her for some time amidst all these scandals and mishaps that are happening around you. There are too many things in line to worry about.”

“And she is one of them,” I snap. “Her safety is a matter of concern to me. In fact, it’s my topmost priority. Now just tell me. Where is Meher? Did you track her whereabouts?”

Krish sighs in disappointment before replying.

“She is at the Walia House. With her family. And she is absolutely safe and sound.”

I’m relieved to hear that. If something was wrong with Meher, Krish would have informed me.

“I want to meet her. I want to see for myself that she is doing fine.”

The moment I say this, Krish smiles sardonically.

“I understand your concerns, Ayaan. You’re probably wondering why Meher hasn’t contacted you yet, or if her family has restricted and threatened her or mistreated her due to your relationship. But let me assure you, that’s not what’s happening. Meher is leading a normal life with the Walia family, and she is doing great.”

Though I’m glad to hear that Meher is fine, something in Krish’s words tells me there is more.

“Don’t talk in circles. Come to the point, Krish,” I scowl.

“No, Ayaan. The point is will you believe me if I tell you?”

“Tell me what?” I shrug.

Krish rakes his fingers in his hair, trying to control his frustration before speaking again.

“I just got an intel from my source. Pratap Walia has scheduled a press conference tomorrow. He intends to address the accusations you’ve made regarding uncle’s accident. Finally, he has chosen to share his side of the story and address the media. And guess who will be standing beside him, supporting him during the conference?”

I refrain from responding as I sense whose name he is about to mention. Krish steps forward, poking his fingers directly at my heart.

“YourMeher Walia!”

I clench my jaw. “What rubbish.”

He rolls his eyes and questions, “You don’t believe it, do you?”

His words hang in the air as he continues, “Well, wait until tomorrow when the interview goes live on the news channel at 12:00 noon. See it with your own eyes. Meher will be standing besideherfather, Pratap Walia, supporting him and trying to prove that her father is not responsible foryourdad’s accident.”

I’m speechless.

“C’mon, Ayaan. How many more evidences do you need to realise that Meher will always stand by her family, not you or your father, irrespective of what happened?”

“Krish—” I try to cut his words off, but he continues.

“None of us could see her true intentions behind that innocent face. All of us, including you, me and your father, have been deceived by her. Tomorrow, she will brazenly display her true colours by standing beside Pratap Walia in that conference, attempting to justify his innocence in uncle’s accident.”

That’s impossible. I don’t want to believe this until I see it happening with my own eyes. LIVE. Krish looks at me intently, trying to understand what I’m thinking. He knows I am hell-bent on seeing this for myself and won’t give up easily. Figuring out my plan, he instantly admonishes me.

“Don’t even think about it. You’re not leaving this house tomorrow. I’ve already informed the guards to hold you here and not let you out of their sight until that conference ends.”

“They can’t stop me. In fact, nothing can stop Ayaan Shergill if he sets his mind on something,” I scoff.

“Oh, be sure they will,” Krish snickers. “Even if they have to fight and sedate you, Ayaan, they will. I urge you not to force me into taking such measures. You’ve already caused enough uproar for me to sort out, and I don’t need another complication added to the list. Let Pratap Walia present his side to the media tomorrow. It won’t hinder our investigation. Regardless of what he says, we will find out the truth. So, I strongly advise you not to venture out tomorrow. It’s for your own good.”

He turns around, picks up the broken alarm clock from the floor and keeps it aside.
