Page 70 of The Maze

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I immediately notice the delight in her eyes as she sees her favourite sandwiches and cheese balls. Her happiness is contagious, and I can’t help but be enamoured by her every expression.

“We haven’t placed any order yet,” she says, looking at the plates after the server leaves.

“I know they’re your favourite,” I whisper, my eyes locked on Meher’s face.

I pick up a cheese ball and try to feed her. Meher tries to stop me, but I don’t give up easily.

“It’s my right to feed you,” I assert playfully, refusing to let go of the fork.

Her eye roll doesn’t deter me; it only fuels my determination to feed her and see her enjoying the food. I finally succeed in coaxing her into accepting the bite, and the blissful expression on her face as the cheese melts in her mouth fills me with joy. The tension that had lingered between us since the Dalhousie incident has visibly taken a toll on her weight. Given the stress she’s been dealing with, I can only imagine that her appetite must have suffered as well. However, now that we’re reunited, I’m not willing to leave anything to chance or allow her to compromise her health. I’ll take good care of my Queen from here on.

I can’t resist playing with her soft, silky hair as she eats, savouring the moment between us. Meher doesn’t mind at first, but then she glances sideways and notices Vishnu watching us. Our eyes meet, and her playful facade vanishes momentarily.

“Stop playing with my hair,” she scolds, trying to maintain her calm.

But I’m determined to make Vishnu jealous, to show him that Meher is mine and mine alone. “Stop being so conscious,” I tease, leaning closer to her. “We’re just having some harmless fun.”

Her earlobe calls to me, and I gently kiss it, feeling her shiver beneath my touch. Her resistance is weakening, and I can sense her inner turmoil as she battles her feelings for me. I want to pull her close and feel her lips on mine, but I know I have to be patient. Meher needs time to come to terms with her emotions and to accept that she still loves me despite our past misunderstandings.

“And it’s amusing to watch Vishnu squirm when he sees us like this,” I whisper into Meher’s ear, my voice filled with mischief. “He can’t handle the fact that his Boss’s daughter chose me.A Shergill.”

Her eyes gleam with merriment and annoyance.

“Your jealousy of Vishnu has to stop now,” she remarks. “I like him.”

I raise an eyebrow playfully, refusing to let her divert me from the moment.

“But I don’t like him a bit,” I shrug, glancing in Vishnu’s direction. He gives me a stern look, trying to assert his presence, but I’m not the one to back down from a challenge. I hold Meher’s gaze, my determination clear.

As much as I enjoy making Vishnu jealous, my true intentions lie in reclaiming Meher’s heart, and in proving to her that we can overcome our past and build a future together. Soon!

“So?” I turn back to Meher, my voice firm. “Now that our conversation is done and your concerns have been addressed, is it safe to conclude you’re ready to say ‘Yes’ to marry me?”

My heart pounds in my chest as I wait for her response, hoping she’ll see the sincerity in my eyes and feel the depth of my love for her. I want her to know that I’m not here to play games but to make a lifelong commitment to her. My mind races with all the possibilities and dreams of a future together, and I wonder if she shares those same visions.

Meher looks into my eyes, her expression softening, and I see a glimmer of hope. She takes a deep breath, and I hold mine, waiting for her answer.

“Yes,” she finally says, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. “Yes, I’m ready to marry you.”

Relief floods through me, and I can’t help but break into a wide grin. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for, the moment when Meher chooses me, chooses us. As I remove the small box from my suit’s inner pocket, her eyes remain locked on mine. I open the box, revealing the dazzling diamond ring inside, and her surprised expression brings a triumphant smile to my face.

“That’s how we are sealing our alliance, Meher Walia, and soon to be Mrs. Ayaan Shergill,” I say, my voice low and filled with emotion. “I want you to wear this ring on your finger... a Shergill’s ring to show the world that you are mine.”

Her eyebrows shoot up in astonishment, and she can’t hide the curiosity in her eyes.

“You got a ring? For me?” she asks, genuinely surprised. “You were that sure I would say yes?”

My heart swells with love and affection for this woman.

“I trusted my intuitions again,” I reply softly. “And even if you didn’t say yes, this ring would still belong to you.”

She rolls her eyes, but I can see the hint of a smile dancing on her lips.

“Your dominance over almost anything and everything needs to be in check after we marry,” she teases, her voice laced with a mixture of affection and challenge. “I can’t tolerate your ‘I, me, myself’ attitude after becoming your wife.”

“Stop being moody,” I shush her gently and lean in, my voice husky as I whisper in her ear, “I promise to be the perfect husband, but I can’t promise to stop loving you the way I do—with dominance.”

As I take the ring out of the box, her eyes follow my every move, and I can sense the anticipation building within her. She’s on the verge of giving in to her emotions, but she’s doing an admirable job of holding herself back.
