Page 88 of The Maze

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“Touching someone’s feet to seek their blessings doesn’t lessen their worth. But it surely reveals the character and values of the one giving their blessings. If those blessings come from a good heart, they hold significance. Otherwise...” Ayaan trails off, leaving Dad to conclude his own inference.

I catch Ayaan’s eye, silently urging him to let it go. He gives me a subtle nod, agreeing to my unspoken request. Together, we bow down and touch my father’s feet. And to my immense relief, I witness a heartening sight—Dad places his hands on our heads and gives us his blessings with genuine warmth and affection. A relieved sigh escapes my lips.


Two hours have passed since lunch, and it is time for the Bidaai, the ritual where I have to bid farewell to my family and begin this new chapter of my life with Ayaan and his family. Simran will accompany me to the Shergill mansion and help me get ready for the wedding reception later this evening.

I hug Devika bhabhi and Aksh bhai tightly, tears filling my eyes. Bhabhi’s sobs match mine, while Aksh bhai stands strong, kissing my forehead and offering words of comfort. He assures me that he’s just a phone call away if I ever need anything.

He then turns to Ayaan and addresses him firmly, “Take care of her, Shergill.”

I hold my breath, hoping Ayaan’s response won’t escalate into another one of their confrontations. To my relief, Ayaan simply replies, “I will.”

I feel the stress of the day fading and offer a silent word of thanks to whatever forces are at play.

Krish, Kailash uncle and Bhaskar uncle surround us as I meet my family before leaving for Shergill mansion. I look at Vishnu, and he gives me a warm smile that speaks volumes. He tilts his head and nods at me, conveying his support in his own unique way. Vishnu has always been the silent one, and I know that his gestures say a lot more than words ever can.

Then, I turn to my dad again. I hug him tightly, silently thanking him for allowing this marriage to take place. Words aren’t required between us; his gentle strokes on my back convey his feelings. We pull away, both of us smiling through our tears. He then addresses Ayaan.

“Meher’s guards will go along with her,” he declares.

“That’s not needed. She’ll be safe with my security hereon,” he objects.

Dad doesn’t like that.

“A father’s responsibility doesn’t end with his daughter’s marriage, Ayaan,” he persists.

“I appreciate that, but now, she’s my wife and my responsibility. I know how to take care of my people.”

Before the tension escalates further, Kailash uncle steps in, his calm presence diffusing the situation.

“Ayaan, it’s okay. I understand where Pratap is coming from. If Pratap wants his security to be with Meher at the Shergill residence to ensure her safety, we should respect his sentiment. Let’s not argue over this. As a father, he’ll naturally want people he trusts to watch over his daughter. Allow them to accompany us.”

Kailash uncle’s wisdom prevails, and Ayaan reluctantly agrees. I’m relieved that the disagreement is settled without undue tension.

Kailash uncle then turns to Dad, addressing him directly.

“Pratap, I understand it is difficult for you to accept Ayaan as your son-in-law and treat him with love and respect. But trust me, when I met Meher for the first time, I regarded her as my own daughter. I’ll shower her with the same care and warmth I show Ayaan. Meher will receive the respect and affection she rightfully deserves from our family. You’re welcome to visit the Shergill mansion anytime to see your daughter. Our doors are always open for you.”

His words hold sincerity, and my heart floods with gratitude for my father-in-law’s genuine efforts, despite the ongoing enmity.

Dad simply nods his head without any ifs and buts. Finally, the moment arrives when I have to leave. Dad guides me into the car, and as I settle in, Ayaan sits beside me. Kailash uncle takes the front seat, and the car sets off toward the Shergill mansion.

With teary eyes, I look at Ayaan sitting beside me. To my surprise and joy, he is already holding a small water bottle for me.

“Drink this,” he suggests, unscrewing the cap.

It takes me a moment to register his thoughtful gesture. How did he know I was thirsty when I hadn’t even realised it myself until I saw the water bottle in his hand?Love, my heart whispers. I accept the bottle, take a few sips and rest my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, reflecting on the moments that have passed and those that will create new memories in our future.



The Shergill family extended a warm welcome to my bride. Meher, visibly exhausted after the day’s events, desperately needed to rest and change out of her heavy bridal lehenga. I asked Simran to assist her in my room. Her belongings had already been arranged there, ensuring she had everything she required. Although I personally wanted to ensure she was comfortable, I had to fulfil my social obligations and had to stay downstairs with close relatives and guests that my father and Bhaskar uncle were attending to.

Krish was occupied with Meher’s guards, who had been sent by Pratap Walia. He was familiarising them with the Shergill family’s security protocols. I had advised my father to take a break and rest up for the evening reception so he wasn’t overburdened with hosting the guests at the Shergill Mansion. As a result, it took me another hour to be free from the remaining responsibilities. With a few hours still left before the reception, I wasted no time and quickly dashed to the bedroom to spend some quality time with my Queen, Meher.

As I enter my bedroom, I find Simran and Meher engrossed in a discussion about the evening’s reception outfit—a designer saree. I had heard that Simran was planning to drape it in a new style. Meher’s eyes light up when she sees me, and I return the sentiment with a smile—a smile of victory that the Queen is exactly where she belongs—with the King.

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