Page 84 of We End With Us

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“My parents are gone, I thought it was the mafia, but turns out my dad’s a coward. He killed my mom then killed himself.”

“Fuck, man, I’m sorry,” I tell Jordy, knowing even though he hated his parents it’s still tough to hear.

He shrugs. “It is what it is, I guess. I can’t change the past and maybe it’s for the best. If the mafia had gotten hold of them, who knows what they would have done.”

I know he’s right because I didn’t see the likes of Nicco Demetrius showing anyone mercy after they betrayed him.

“What about Jackson?” Bass asks.

“Dead, his body was found a month back, he’d been burnt, I guess Nicco did end him after all,” Jordy tells us.

“Fuck,” Cass groans.

“Carter?” Jordy shakes his head.

“Still MIA, the bastard will resurface I know it. Turns out the woman that was in the room with you, Bass, is someone from Demetrius’ past. They’re searching for them both.”

“Could you find out from Nick if she’ll be a problem for us?” I ask Bass, knowing he and his brother talk often.

“I guess, he might tell me, but he might say to stay out of it.”

Yeah, I guess we weren’t exactly in the inner circle, they weren’t going to just hand out details.

“Either way, we keep an eye out for Carter. He may still want revenge and knowing him he’ll think we’ve let our guard down,” I tell them all.

“Do you think he still wants to get to me?” Nova asks, sitting up.

“I don’t doubt Carter in any way, princess. We’ll just be safe regardless.”

“Okay,” she states and lays her head back on me.

“What about my father?” Nova asks.

Jordy eyes me, shaking his head, no we weren’t ready to tell her that part yet. Nova didn’t need to know the darkness that Santonio was a part of.

He’d been trafficking girls and hiding them in the storage unit he’d hired. Carter and Jackson were a part of it, Nova doesn’t need to know the sick and twisted person her father really was.

“We’ll keep digging, princess, we'll find something,” I tell her. Accepting my answer, she curls back in my lap as the others and I share a look, this is something I’m happy to keep between us.

Bass looks over at me, a soft smile spreads across his face and I know exactly what he’s thinking.

I draw in a breath looking down at Nova on my lap.


She looks up at me. “Yes, King.”

“How sore are you?” She giggles, sitting up again only to lift her dress over her head.

“Not sore enough so clearly you boys aren’t doing it right.” She smirks.

Growling, I lift her in my arms and push her into the couch face first, my hand lands over her right cheek. “Well, you better hold on, baby, because we’re about to show you just how sore The Sinners can make you.”

Nova pushes her ass toward me, her pussy already dripping. Fuck this girl was made for us and I can’t wait to spend every day showing her just how perfect she is.

Our start may have been rocky, but together we’ll rise and no matter what, no matter what happens, we’ll always end with the five of us—together.

