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I have them tenfold. I’m not innocent and I’m certainly not a saint.

My sins are what make me who I am today. After my family, I went on a rampage killing everyone and anyone who got in my way. Killing was like a sport to me, I was good at it, no I was the fucking best. It was all I knew.

Pasquale had hired me for that reason. He made me feel nothing; he took over everything, but when I met Grace that all changed. She was a hired kill, someone wanted her gone for seeing something she shouldn’t have seen. I planned on making it quick, but when I first saw her, she fought me hard too. She cut me with a knife, and I chuckled as blood poured down my arm. She was feisty, strong, and damn well knew how to make my blood boil.

I ended up fucking her on her kitchen table as I held a knife to her throat. Once I had come inside her, I meant to slit her throat, but for the life of me, and I still to this day don’t know why, I held back. But I did, it was like she had a pull toward me that I had no idea what to do with.

I kissed her hard and she moaned as my dick slipped back inside her. I fucked her three more times around her house before we came up for air and I grew an unhealthy addiction to her. I knew I couldn’t finish the job. There was no way I was going to end the one thing that seemed to calm me.

After we had run, we found out she was pregnant. Our little Emmy was born, and she was truly the light of my life. She made all the darkness go away. I thought we were safe living back in my hometown with my parents, but they found us. That day Pasquale took everything from me, and I planned to do the same.

Savannah reminds me of my wife. She, too, has spirit and a determination to survive.

I can feel the monster crawling through my skin begging to be set free.

I have to set him free, no, I need to set him free.

I grab my keys and make my way to my truck. I need to kill someone, I need to unleash what is inside.

The sickness I pray for, the one I beg him to take, but he never does. Why does God make me suffer?

I speed out of the driveway leaving the small cottage behind as I go in search of my victim.

I know Savannah will be okay while I’m away. I know she hasn’t eaten in two days, but I won’t be gone that long and a few more hours of punishment before I fuck the discipline into her won’t hurt her.

She will love every fucking minute of what I do to her. By the time I force myself into every hole, she will be begging me for more.

* * *

I pull my truck into a quiet alley. I see a few homeless people sleeping behind dumpsters, they look up as my headlights flick off. They are not my target tonight, I have a bigger fish to fry. The man in question kidnaps underage girls and forces them into prostitution. He gets them addicted to drugs and sells their bodies to make money. I know it doesn’t make me sound any better, but at least my girl isn’t fifteen.

I swallow as I see the side door to the club open, and he steps out with two other goons, flipping a wad of cash that he’s more than likely stolen from one of his girls.

I’ll start with him and then see who else needs to bear their sins to me.

I grab my knife and gun and place them in my belt as I step from my truck. My door creaks as I do, making one of the goons look up.

“Who the fuck?’ he only gets out before I slit his throat making him gurgle and fall to his knees.

The other guy tries to remove his gun, but I’m too quick. My knife goes between his eyes, and I yank it out and kick him to the ground as his blood covers me. I’m saturated in blood. My adrenaline is pumping as the man of the hour tries to get away as panic sets in and he realizes he’s next.

“Jacob?” Victor breathes.

My breathing is labored as I back him into a corner.

“Please, I'll give you anything.” He lifts his hands to surrender, the wad of cash forgotten as it drifts to the ground. I step over it. My target pisses his pants as I clean my knife over my sleeve and watch him with a smirk that tells him times up, motherfucker.

“Have mercy,” he cries.

“Begging is beneath you, Victor. Do you ever show those girls mercy?” I spit as I lift my knife to his throat.

“Did you show my wife mercy as you took from her?”

The blade digs into his skin, his eyes are filled with fear, and they widen when I move it over his throat in a clean cut as I slice his skin and blood gushes out covering me. He gurgles on the blood filling his throat as he tries to prevent it from spilling.

He falls to his knees in a heap, and I watch as he struggles for air.

He looks up at me and tries to talk but all I hear is, “Forgive me for my sins,” as his eyes go vacant, and life drains from them. His hand slides down, and his body slumps and falls forward as his heart stops beating.
