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I lift a box in my hand and fight the smile that lifts my cheeks up.

He actually got me tampons? I was thinking he was the devil reincarnated, and he’d let me bleed before he’d get me tampons, but perhaps there is more to Jacob than he wants to show me.

I wake to a noise. I sit up and clutch my hand to my chest when I see a figure sitting in the chair. I almost scream, but there is no need. There is only one person it could be.

“Jacob?” I whisper.

“Shh.” He puts his finger to his lips, but keeps his eyes locked on the floor.

“Jacob?” I question again. Why is he sitting there watching the floor?

“Go to sleep, Savannah,” he drawls while he leans back in the chair and closes his eyes.

I lay back down but sleep is the furthest thing from my mind.

“I can feel you watching me, kitten.” He sighs.

“Why are you in my room?” I lick my bottom lip feeling the dryness.

He looks over at me. I can see the frown appearing as the moonlight from outside lights up his face. It’s the only light in the room as he stares at me. I can see the emotions fighting to break free.

“Is something wrong?” I lay there, panic threatening to spill free as the fear that he finally did it, finally ended my father's life.

“Go to sleep, princess.” I see his jaw twitch and I know he’s losing his patience.

“Do you want me to leave?” he asks after a few seconds tick by.

The answer slips free, surprising not only him but me as well.

“No. Goodnight, Jacob.” I turn over and close my eyes as I feel him watching me.

Why do I feel my walls crumbling down? I should hate Jacob with everything I have. I should have slit his throat just like he told me to. But instead, I’m finding it hard to want him to stay away. My need for him is alluring in so many ways. But as much as he scares me, and God does he scare me, I find comfort when he’s near. That may be because he’s the only person I’ve had any contact with in the weeks he’s kept me locked away, or maybe it’s the way he’s changing me. No longer do I feel the hatred I once did. There is something else fighting its way through and I’m not so sure I’m ready for that. Feeling those feelings for a man like Jacob only ends in disaster and with my heart destroyed in tiny pieces. Once he gets bored with me, and I know he will, I'm not as enchanting as I wish I was, he won’t plan on setting me free. He'll dispose of me just like he’s threatened and that scares me more than anything. That it will come so easy to him to throw me out like trash after what we have been through together. Only thing is, how long do I have and when will my time be up?

I have him.The man her father was going to force her to marry. He’s in my trunk. Seems fitting. I watched her sleep last night, watching what was mine, what belongs to me.

I’m going to enjoy taking his life. He’s not getting near my little kitten. He won’t lay one finger on her.

It’s time Savannah sees what I’m capable of and why she should fear me. Why her father should have stayed out of my life.

I twist my knife in my fingers as I walk toward my truck. An airy feeling washes over me and I can't help but smile.

I fling open the trunk and Marcel screams behind his gag, his eyes screaming bloody murder as I wrap my fingers around his collar and yank him out.

He puts up a fight while I drag him behind me, but there’s nothing he can do, nothing will prevent his untimely death.

The door bangs against the wall as I open it, the sound surely grabbing Savannah's attention.

I dump Marcel’s body in the other room I’ve made up. His time will come, and Savannah will see how much better her life will be with me because no matter what, I’m never letting her go. This may have started as revenge, but now, I plan on destroying anyone who’s willing to take her away from me.

“Come, kitten,” I say, holding out my hand for Savannah when I unlock her chain.

“W-where are we going?” she questions when her hand touches mine.

“I have something to show you,” I say.

“My father?” she whispers.

I turn, staring back at her. “No, kitten. But in time it will be. He deserves everything I’m going to do to him.”
