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She’s breathtaking.

Clutching my gun, I follow the hall, searching each room.Where is she?

Coming to the last door on the right, I softly push the door open and spot her lying on the bed, her feet in the air, and her head bobbing from side to side as she sings along to whatever music she has in her ears. I guess that's why she didn’t come running downstairs at the gunfire.

Madden cocks his head at me to grab the girl while he and Roman keep watch.

Fuck, here we go.

Moving my gun to my side to tuck it behind me back, I take a step forward and reach out, wrapping my fingers around her ankle and pulling her toward me. She turns and a terrified scream rips from her when she sees me. Kicking her leg, she does everything to break free of my hold. My grip tightens, dragging her closer to me. “No,” she screams.

I sweep her into the air, wrapping my arms around her middle and holding her back to my chest.

She yanks against my hold, trying to free herself, but I tighten my arms almost suffocating her. Her nails rip at my arms and hand breaking skin. Growling, my hot breath fans across her cheek as I shove her to the bed face down. She cries out, kicking her legs behind her as I hold her in place with one hand while I yank the zip tie from my pocket with the other.

Securing her, I bind her wrists behind her back and yank her up again. She spits in my face once I turn her toward me.

“Cagna-bitch,” I hiss, using my shoulder to wipe my face.

“Stronza-asshole,” she snaps back.

“Listen here and listen good. You’ll do as you’re told or I’ll bury you in this fucking backyard,” I warn her.

Glaring her beautiful dark eyes at me, she lifts her eyebrow in a challenge.

“Alive.” I smirk. Her face pales and she drops her gaze to the floor.

“Aww, shit,” Roman mutters, glaring at my cousin. My gaze tells him to back off.

I will not let this girl try to one-up me. She has no idea who she’s dealing with.

I’m Phoenix-fucking-Kipling. My father is the best-known assassin in our world. He taught me everything he knows and I’m just as good a killer as he is. If not better.

“Come Passerotta-Little Sparrow.”

Not giving her a chance to argue, I throw her over my shoulder and carry her out of the room while my cousins have my back. Gunfire rings through the house, knowing Nicco and the others are dealing with the other guards and her father, I throw her into the back seat of the SUV, taking a seat beside her and closing the door.

With wide eyes, her fear is palpable as she stares up at me.

“P-please,” she cries as a tear slides down her cheek. Using my thumb, I wipe it away before gripping her chin.

“Don’t beg, little girl, it’ll do you no good,” I warn her.

“Asshole, let me go,” she snaps. Growing tired of her voice. I turn until my body is aligned with hers.

Bracing myself over her, I wrap my fingers around her neck and begin to cut off the airflow to her lungs.

“Shh.” I hum softly while she fights me as best she can.

Her eyes begin to flutter as her oxygen levels go down. Slowly she slips into darkness, her body slumping against the leather.

At least it’ll be a peaceful ride home.

