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Jane and I both laugh.

“It’s nice to have moments like this,” she says, looking at me sideways.

“It really is,” I go soul-searching for a moment. After a few seconds, I say softly, “Do you think we’ll end up growing apart from each other?”

She gets a weirded-out expression on her face and takes advantage of a red light to look at me. “Why would you say something like that?”

She seems offended, but I place a hand over hers on the wheel to calm her down.

“It hasn’t happened yet, nervous Nelly,” I smile. “But it is slowly coming true.”

My voice goes down a few tones, and Jane soon nods in understanding.

“We’ve been seeing each other less and less, right?” She sighs, “I swear I don’t want this to happen, but—”

I say, “I know. I just want to let you know that if that ever happens, it was life, and not me, okay?”

We arrive at our destination: Dancing Tony’s. It is a pizza place more well known for attracting kids than adults, but it appeals to a legion of college students because it’s close to campus.

We’re still inside the car. Jane does not make a move to get out. Instead, she holds my hand and asks, deep worry all over her face, “Joyce, why are you mentioning this now? Is something happening?”

I think about the agreement I made with Logan and debate whether or not I should tell her.

“Um,” I stall, a finger on my lips. I finally decide to say, “I’m looking for another job, Jane.”

Her eyes fill with fury, and her voice fills with wrath, “Did Logan do anything wrong?”

“No! Jane, no!” I say and start to giggle out of nerves. “He didn’t fire me, or anything, we just… Well, he’s recommending me to friends because he thinks I can get something better than being a nanny!”

It was the first thing that popped into my head and out of my mouth, and I feel terrible about lying to her.

“Oh,” Jane brings a hand to her mouth, with the realization that nobody did anything wrong. “But I thought you liked being a nanny!”

“I do,” I smile in quiet resignation. “But who am I to decline his offer?”

She smiles and perks up, hugging me the best she can while still sitting inside the car.

“Even though we see each other less often, let’s make the most of the time we are together!” she says, only then opening the car and jumping out.

I do the same and follow behind her as we walk inside the place, inhaling the scents of pepperoni, cheese, fat and high-carb dough being baked.

“I’m starving!” I say, skipping ahead to join Jane’s side. “What are we ordering?”

“Pepperoni and sausage, obviously!” she says, rubbing her stomach in circles.

Her gaze goes from me to a group of guys at the arcade. They look to be a few years younger, but that doesn’t stop her from launching some fatal flirts their way.

“Easy pickings, right?” She elbows my ribs, calling my attention to the group.

“Well, I’m kind of seeing someone, Jane,” I say, hoping she won’t pry, but deep down knowing that she will.

“And you haven’t told me anything?!” she asks, indignant.

“I’m sorry! He’s very private and we’re keeping it low-key for now,” I say, becoming an expert on winding down the truth. “But soon it won’t be a secret!”

“And I’ll be the first to know?” Jane asks, offering her finger for a pinky promise.

“Of course!” I lock my pinky around hers, and we shake it three times.
