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When Jefferson doesn’t return, I decide to call home. I take my phone out of my pocket and unblock the screen. But just as I was about to call, another call comes through — Joyce.

I stand and go to the lobby to answer it. Between Jake and Jefferson, I’d rather hear comments from Jefferson. He is there as expected, but just wrapping up his call. He gives me a thumbs down while leaving, and shaking my head, I ignore it for now to answer Joyce’s call.


“Hi Logan!” she says with her usual cheer. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything!”

“Nah, you’re not,” I say. “I was supposed to be at a business dinner, but the client still hasn’t shown up. Things probably have gone south already.”

“He has a beautiful voice!” I hear the voice of an older woman in the background and Joyce giggling at her comments.

“Am I on speaker?” I ask, amused,

“Yes!” Joyce says, “Mom wanted to hear you!”

“Well, hello, Mrs. Andrews!” I say, lighthearted. “How are you doing?”

“I’m great. I’m in remission!” she shouts, animated.

“Oh, that’s great!” I’m genuinely happy now. From what Joyce has said, she has never had any significant remission before. “How much are we talking?”

Poor Mrs. Andrews tries to answer, but Joyce curbs her enthusiasm. “Mom, you can’t get agitated!” I hear movement on the other side. A door opens. “Now you’re not on speaker anymore.”

“Aw, but I liked talking to her,” I chuckle.

“You can talk again when she’s home,” she says. “Wanna come have lunch with us next Sunday?”

I smile. She has just invited me to meet her mother, which means things are getting serious. For a second, I think about Andrea and how she would feel about me moving on. Since she’s not here to give an opinion, it’s up to me to rebuild my life while respecting her memory.

“Logan?” Joyce asks, “Are you there?”

“Of course,” I say. “Just a bit stressed. Yes, I will be there! Should I bring something?”

“Just your hunger. Oh, and Anna!” she says, getting excited.

“Alright,” I say, feeling amused by her tone. “I’ll get back to Jefferson and Jake, and get updated on what’s happening.”

“Oh okay! Talk to you soon!” she says.

“Bye,” I say with my most gentle voice and then hang up.

I make my way back to the table, realizing I’m feeling some remorse for slowly starting to fall in love with Joyce. I realize I need to schedule a session with my therapist because I’m having feelings of guilt over moving on from Andrea.

Back at the table, I find Jake and Jefferson both frowning into their drinks.

“Mr. Tada got stuck in Los Angeles in a layover,” Jefferson says. “We’ll have to reschedule”.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Jake taps his fingers on the table.

Hearing that, I begin to laugh. The other two look at me incredulously as I laugh like I haven’t before in the last several years.

“Well, whose secretary is getting fired for failing to let us know that?” I keep on laughing. This is still a better reaction than getting angry, right?

“You two want to get dinner or do you want to leave and get on our way?” Jake asks, still looking at me oddly.

Jefferson seems unsure, but I can spend half an hour more relaxing a little.

“I’m staying,” I decide, opening the menu to choose my order.
