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“I don’t even know if I’m pregnant yet, mom!” I hiss quietly.

Gabby reenters the kitchen, accompanied by Sophia, who’s already frowning as she hears us talking in low tones.

“If you’re going to keep secrets from me, I’m eating on the couch,” she says, looking annoyed.

“Don’t you dare!” mom says, serving herself her share. She struggles a bit, so I help her.

“What were you talking about anyway?” Sophia pours herself some orange juice.

“None of your business,” Gabby says, putting the syrup on the table and taking a seat.

“Ow,” Sophia frowns, eyes down with the feeling of being excluded. “J, you’ll tell me, right?”

Mom and Aunt Gabby look at me and it’s obvious they don’t want me to. I look from one to another, deciding on what I should do.

“It’s only fair for her to know, come on!” I say, my mouth full of pancakes. “Your mother and your aunt think I’m pregnant, that’s it! I’m not, by the way.”

Sophia’s eyes widen, while my mom and aunt’s faces turn bright red. “Makes sense,” Sophia says. “And whoa, you’re pregnant from a billionaire? We’re set for life!”

She raises a fist in the air while silence falls across the table. When I woke up this Saturday morning, I had no idea my morning would end up going like this.

“I don’t know if I’m pregnant yet, Sophia,” I say over a sip of coffee.

Gabby drops her fork and knife and looks at me, indignant. “If I buy you a damn pregnancy test, would you take it?”

“Um,” I suddenly feel terrified. This is getting real, quick. “Of course.”

“Good,” she points a finger at me. “After breakfast, I’ll go to the drugstore.”

Mom laughs, amused by Gabby’s determination. “She’s really going!” She points at her, then points at me, still laughing.

I just focus on eating my breakfast. One problem at a time.

But we are barely finished, and Gabby is already cleaning the table, and shoving her face inside the fridge to bring me a bottle of water. “I’m going there now. And you, drink!”

She points to the bottle. I already need to use the bathroom so there’s no need for it, but I still drink it out of nervousness as I watch her leave.

When she returns, mom is soaking in the sun, reading a book, while Sophia and I do the dishes. Gabby pokes me in the shoulder, and when I turn around, she pushes the drugstore bag in my hands.

“Now,” she says. I know there is no changing her mind, so I take a deep breath and hold my head up high. I try and focus on having courage, but I know I will crumble if I see a positive test result on that darn plastic stick.

Sophia follows close behind as I walk to the bathroom, and I have to push her away before closing the door behind me. “You’re not coming in with me!” I shout, and giggle nervously before finally going in.

First, I remove the test from the package. It seems simple enough.

“Hey, Gabby?” I shout.

“What, Joyce?” she says.

“I just pee on the top part for five seconds?”

“Yes!” she replies. Then she orders, “Just do it already!”

“Don’t rush me!” I growl back.

When she goes quiet, I finally do it. When I’m done, I look at it, seeing absolutely nothing.

“What am I supposed to see?” I ask again, feeling lost.
