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I shut down the call, and before he calls back, I send him a text.

Sorry, I don’t think I’m ready for phone calls. But feel free to keep on texting.

Chapter Eight


“Andnow,offtomy least favorite part of the job!”

General laughter ensues.

I’m in front of a ballroom full of wealthy elites, ready to garner support from their deep pockets to try and make the world a better place.

Thankfully, many are charitable. Plus, it’s a good tax deduction.

“The Rebecca Winters Foundation has been working with low-wage neighborhoods both here in San Francisco, and across the state. Our collective efforts aim to improve the living conditions for children and teenagers, fostering environments that pave the way for more fulfilling adulthoods and senior living, particularly for those who are in need,” I go on.

“For the past five years, we have built better community facilities, free health clinics funded by the foundation, funded scholarships, and special projects devised by members of these neighborhoods, such as speed bumps, crossing guards, CCTV monitoring, and requests for more police patrols over their streets.”

“This was all done with your help, my friends,” I say. I’m not reading from any paper. I carefully rehearsed the words in my mind beforehand. It’s hard to pretend to look at the audience when I’m in fact looking at the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

“However, with the colder months coming, it is time to renew our commitment to the cause, and kindly think about a donation. As you can see…”

I shift my attention to the left, focusing on my beautiful stage assistant—a nineteen-year-old, new-money princess and the daughter of a real estate mogul, whose trendy presence graces TV ads. She reveals the donation meter mounted on a board supported by an easel.

“The meter has already been initiated with my contribution, leaving us with fifteen million left in order to reach our goal of thirty million. Among our upcoming projects for the next year is the development of a substantial high school facility right here in San Francisco. This facility aims to provide a common ground for teenagers from all social classes to prepare for the SATs and secure better placements in colleges and universities.”

"Throughout the remainder of the evening, we'll be accepting your generous donations at the club's reception, and we'll see how well we did then. Let's have a round of applause for everyone involved!"

As the applause ensues, I notice the energetic and enthusiastic response. Men exchange handshakes, engaging in a self-congratulatory gesture, but the clapping was indeed intended for the people who work hands-on with the foundation.Butif I say that, we wouldn’t have as many donations.

It’s time to leave the stage and go have my lunch in peace. I look through the window on the way to my table, and the rain that started last night is still ravaging planet Earth — I wonder if more people would’ve shown up if it weren’t for it, but our attendance today was still impressive.

I find Bella and Harlan eating together, her damn recorder on the table. “I see Aunt Bella cut your steak for you!” I say, taking a seat beside him.

“It’s the least I could do,” Bella says with her mouth full.

“Where’s Liv?” I ask, raising my arm to call the attention of the waiter. I’m trying to hide it, but I’m nervous to see her for the first time after our short but sweet video call.

I have hopes that she might actually let me get to know her better and I’m hoping we’ll do that soon on an actual date. But I’m happy to just spend time around her.

“Doing her job,” she shrugs.

Harlan gathers his water glass with both hands and takes a big gulp from it. Done with the water, he turns to me and says, “Dad?”

“Yes, Harlan?” I give him my undivided attention.

“Miss Livlovesher job!” he says emphatically, causing laughter both from me and his aunt.

The waiter comes, and I realize that I’m starving. It soon comes, and while I’m in the middle of chowing it down, Liv appears, camera draped around her neck, beautifully adorned in her pink floral dress.

“Did you talk to the guests yet?” Liv asks.

“No,” I cover my mouth to speak, and then wash the food down with a sip of red wine. “I was planning on doing it after eating.”

She sighs, casting a romantic gaze my way. For a second, I am apprehensive that Bella is going to find out we’ve been talking. Liv swiftly shifts, becoming somewhat awkward and diverting her attention to her camera.

“Looks like the camera is more interesting,” I say with a smile.
