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Watching Bella disappear, I sigh and rub my temples. Without thinking, I pick up the phone and call my mom.

“Hey, Mom,” I say, trying to sound composed despite the turmoil within.

“Liv, sweetheart! How's everything in California?” my mom asks. Her voice is full of warmth, and I feel a bit better already.

“It's... it's alright,” I reply, my words sounding heavy to my own ears. “I need your advice.”

I hear subtle concern in her voice. “Of course, sweetheart. What's on your mind?”

I take a deep breath, my voice catching slightly, “I've been spending time with someone, Mom, a guy named Alex. He's amazing, really. But... it’s getting complicated.”

My mom listens in silence.

“Complicated how?” she asks.

“I just had a drink with Bella, you know her, my best friend. He’s her brother. Well, she's upset with me. She thinks I'm not taking her brother seriously. But, Mom, Iam. It's just... it's complicated,” I try to explain, my voice trailing off.

My mom’s gentle encouragement comes through the phone. “Complicated in what way, Liv?”

I hesitate, then continue. “It's... it's because of what happened before, with Jamie. I can't shake the fear of getting into something serious again. I'm scared of history repeating itself.”

Understanding seeps into my mom's voice, “Oh, honey. I know that Jamie hurt you deeply. It's only natural to feel hesitant about letting someone else in. But, Liv, not everyone is the same. Has Alex given you any red flags?”

I pause before speaking again, “No, that’s just the thing, mom. He is a great guy. I just feel like my fears are holding me back. I don’t want to mess this up, but I also want to go at my own pace.”

Mom’s voice is a mixture of reassurance and wisdom. “Just take it one step at a time, honey. It's okay to be scared, but don't let fear dictate your choices. If Alex cares about you, he’ll understand, and you both can figure this out together.”

As the conversation continues, I feel a sense of calm. At the very end when my mom finds out he’s a billionaire and tells me I better not take ittooslow, I just snort and break into a much-needed laugh.

Chapter Eighteen


“It’ssixinthemorning on a Sunday. Please come back to bed!” Liv begs, tossing a pillow at me as I walk around the bedroom.

“Told you I have obligations today!” I toss the pillow back at her. “You’re free to stay here sleeping, or you’re free to come with us, up to you.”

I’m getting dressed while she turns on her side and supports the weight of her head over a hand. Yawning, she says “You are going to that place where the kid tried to shoot me, right?”

I fade in a second. “Yeah, you probably don’t want to go, right?”

She waves me off. “I’m sure the kid is in jail now.”

I swap my nighttime t-shirt for a black polo. After my head emerges from the neck hole, I inform her, “Simon is wearing an ankle bracelet and doing community service right now.”

“That’s it?” She startles awake. “That’s all you get for trying to kill someone?”

I sigh, my shoulders tensing up. “He’s underage and a first offender.”

I pull the stool near the closet to sit and put on my sneakers, while she stands and starts to look in her bag for clothes to wear. “Are you taking Harlan?”

“Nope,” I elongate the vowels. “He doesn’t go there.”

“How elitist of you,” she says, nose perked up, mockingly belittling me, but I can tell there is a hint of truth in it.

“He’s an easy target for kidnappers, Liv,” I explain, my arms crossed.

“Well, I’m not going. But happy to take care of Harlan if you need me to,” she winks at me and smiles.
