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I move up and down, and he helps me by rubbing my clit as I go. I lean back, feeling it build up.

I start to go even faster and right after he squirms and groans, and I follow, crying out in falsetto as he rubs me extra hard.

Not a moment later, I collapse against his chest. We kiss each other tenderly, enjoying the sound of our labored breathing. Only after a long while, he breaks our kiss to say, “God, I can’t get enough of you.”

“Really?” I laugh, amused.

“You’re too good!” he says with a mouthful of air.

“In bed?” I blush, not used to this kind of compliment.

“And in life…” Romantically, Alex holds my hand and kisses it.

“What do you suggest we do about it?” I circle around the subject, knowing perfectly well what the answer is.

“Be my girlfriend?” he asks, looking at me in the eye with urgent need.

I roll to the side, holding him very close to me, feeling insecure, and unsure.

Am I really ready to give a serious relationship a try again?

“I guess that question was going to pop up eventually,” I say, my voice fleeting. “Alex… You are incredible. I don’t know if I can live up to that!”

“Who said you have to?” he asks in disbelief. “Do you have any idea of how much of a good person you are?”

“How can you know?” I raise an eyebrow.

Alex sighs, caressing my hand as he keeps it close to his heart. “Liv, some people call me naive, but I’ve rarely been wrong about people. You’re an artist, a great artist, and you are very passionate about it. It’s inspiring. And you’re kind to my son… How do you think I felt seeing you lulling him to sleep?”

“That wasn’t hard to do…” I blush even harder.

“Exactly!” he says naturally. “Nobody who has an effortless way with children can be a bad person.”

I squeeze him tight, a stupid smile on my lips, but still ready to race for the door if things get too awkward.

“So, what’s your answer?” he nuzzles me, looking at me with longing in his eyes.

“I…” cold sweat rolls down my forehead, “Alright! It’s just a label, right?”

“It’s more than that and you know it!” he says with a smile.

“Okay, okay, okay!” I laugh nervously, then kiss him on the lips. “I will be your girlfriend. Happy now, big guy?”

“Very,” he says with the broadest of smiles.

He rolls on top of me, clearly wanting a second round, but a part of me feels like I have a noose around my neck, ready to tighten up any minute. “Don’t you have to put Harlan in bed?”

Alex looks at the fancy alarm clock on his nightstand and wilts like an un-watered patch of grass during summer.

“It’s still early…” he rolls off of me. “But he needs to finish his homework. And we still have to take you home.”

I kiss him on the lips one more time, then stand up to get dressed. Not a moment too soon, he follows me out.

Chapter Twenty


I’vespentthelastweek involved with Mrs. Winslow, her landlord, and her apartment, making my heart all soft and fuzzy every time she and the kids smiled.
