Page 107 of State of Bliss

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Even to go to the house next door, the Secret Service needed a minute. Sometimes Nick wanted to let himself out a random door and make a run for it, just to see what would happen. Only because he could end up dead did he reject that impulse. But the urge showed up quite frequently as he adapted to life inside the gilded cage.

One might think there was little difference in the cage of the vice presidency versus the presidency itself. One would be wrong. The presidency was far more confining, and the loss of his ability to move freely, to come and go as he pleased—for the rest of his life—was something he was still adapting to.

A knock on the door preceded Brant’s return. “We’re ready for you, Mr. President.”

He followed Brant and two other agents as two others took the rear, which was twice as many agents than had accompanied him the day before on the same route.

The tomato incident would result in the cage closing even tighter around him, which was the very last thing he wanted.

Malone metGonzo on the way into the pit the next morning. “PG County detectives found your pizza box in a dumpster about three blocks from the dorm. There was one clean box mixed in with three greasy ones.”

“So we’re not exactly looking for a rocket scientist here.”

“Right. They brought all four boxes to our lab for analysis. I’ve also got the warrant for Tori Stevens’s checking account and have requested canceled checks for the last four months.”

“Did you sleep last night, Cap?”

“Not much. This situation with Stahl is keeping me awake at night.”

“What’s happening there?”

“I haven’t heard anything new this morning. The forensic teams are working the scene under Haggerty’s supervision.”

“When is the department going to issue the statement?” Gonzo asked.

“This morning. We were trying to wait for more info, but we’re getting a lot of questions about what’s happening at the house. It’ll be a few weeks before the remains are identified and next steps determined. The chief is reviewing the final draft of the statement now.”

“I can’t even think about what kind of nightmare this will be when people find out.”

“We’re preparing for worst-case scenario.”

“Which is what?”

“The mayor or city council demanding the chief’s immediate resignation.”

“Do you think they will?”

“Would you? If you were them?”

Gonzo sighed. “I really hope they don’t go straight to nuclear when we’re doing everything we can to get answers for those families.”

“Exactly, but we’re still preparing for the worst.”

“Will he resign?”

“He hasn’t said yet what he’ll do. He’s playing it all by ear while trying to keep his focus on the investigation.”

“The faster we get answers for the families, the faster the heat will die down. People already know what Stahl is capable of, so they won’t be surprised to learn there’s more.”

“There is that.”

“Hang in there, Cap. We’ve gotten through a lot as a team, and we’ll get through this, too.”

Malone gave Gonzo’s shoulder a squeeze. “Thanks, Sarge. I’ll let you know when the checking account info comes through.”

“I’ll call Tori Stevens’s parents to check on the status of her attorney.”

“No need,” another voice said. “I’m here.”
