Page 54 of State of Bliss

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“That’s what I’m here for. Any time you need to hear it.”

Sam was right. The madness would keep. This day was about celebrating their second anniversary, which was actually the next day, and he planned to fully enjoy every minute of the time with her.

When they returnedfrom their walk on the beach, Sam was determined that Nick would have the rest of the day off from the worries that sat on his shoulders like ten-ton boulders.

They enjoyed the deli lunch the White House had sent, which included the best chicken salad Sam had ever had.

“I’m going to need the chicken salad recipe for when we move out,” she said. “I’m completely addicted.”

“I’ll bet Mario would be delighted to continue to make it for you even after we’re out of office. He has a crush on my wife.”

“He does not! He appreciates that I like to eat.”

“That’s not all he appreciates.”

“He’s seventy, Nick.”

“And his eyes still work just fine.”

“I had no idea you were jealous of the executive chef.”

“Now you know.”

The silliness was just what he needed. “I might just leave you for him and his chicken salad.”

He popped a potato chip into his mouth. “You’d miss the things I bring to the table.”

“Like what?”

“You know.”

“I have no clue what you’re referring to.”

“Sure, you don’t. Do you need me to refresh your memory?”

“I might.”

He moved so fast, she had no time to prepare before she was slung over his shoulder as he headed for the bedroom. They were afraid to get busy anywhere else in the house during the day out of fear of long-range camera lenses from the beach.

“What have I told you about hauling me around like I’m a side of beef?”

“You’ve indicated that you quite like it.”

“No, I haven’t! I’m going to puke chicken salad all over you.”

“That’s sexy, babe.”

Standing next to the California-king-size bed, he let her slide down the aroused front of him. He brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her before she could continue her protest over the way he’d slung her about.

Truth be told, his strength was a huge turn-on, not that she’d ever tell him that. She was hardly a waif, but he made her feel weightless as he kissed her with the wild desire that had become such a critical part of her daily life. How had she lived before she’d had him to make her feel this way? His love had become as essential to her as oxygen, food and water. The old her, the pre-Nick her, would’ve laughed at such a thought. But as he undressed them both with impatience, she was overwhelmed with gratitude for him, for them, for their family and their chaotic, ridiculous life.

He eased her down onto the bed, hovering above her with his sexy hazel eyes full of love as he gazed at her. “Two years.”

“And ten lifetimes.”

His smile was a thing of beauty. “Remember when you said, ‘I do,’ to a lowly senator from Virginia?”

“That was a total hoodwink.”
