Page 83 of State of Bliss

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“I hope there won’t be a big uproar over it.”

“Let’s not think about it anymore. We’re both fine. The agents are fine. They’ll figure out who did it and slap a felony charge on them that’ll make them regret getting out of bed this morning. Let’s get back to enjoying our evening.” She gently removed his hand and the compress from her face. “I’m getting frostbite.”

“Oh, sorry.”

“It’s okay. Thanks for taking care of me.”


Nick’s phone rang. “It’s Scotty.”

“He’s probably heard what happened.”

Nick pressed the green button to take the call. “Hey, buddy.”

“Are you guys okay? It’s all over the news that someone threw something at you outside the restaurant.”

“We’re fine. A tomato hit Mom in the face, but she’s okay.”

“Oh my God!What is wrongwith people?”

“Are we supposed to answer that question?” Sam asked.

“I mean, really. Who throws tomatoes at the first couple?”

Nick’s lips quivering with amusement at Scotty’s outrage. “People who don’t like us?”

“I’m sorry, but that’s total bullshit. You can disagree without getting violent.”

“You’re right.”

“I’m just glad you guys are all right. It scared me to see the news.”

“Sorry, buddy. We should’ve called you.”

“I’m okay as long as you are.”

“We are.”

“All right, then.”

“I read your essay. It’s very good.”



“No typos?”

“None that I saw. You made a compelling argument for the importance of access to voting for all citizens. You should consider posting it to your social media.”

“No way.”

“Way. You could be a voice for young people getting engaged in their government.”

“Wow. I can’t believe you like it that much.”

“I really do.”
