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Chris and David shook hands, and she was introduced to Leesa’s future husband. Mattox walked in shortly after, and since she’d already seen him a couple of times at the office, she wasn’t nearly as nervous meeting him in this environment.

They chatted while they finished preparing the veggies. The men stepped out to throw the steaks on the grill.

“Kiera, can you tell me a bit about your life?”

Smiling softly, she looked Leesa in the eye, “You mean why I left your father?”

The younger woman nodded, and Kiera briefly explained a bit about her situation.

“It doesn’t make any sense why a father would encourage his daughter to make that kind of sacrifice. That’s unreal.”

Her lips twisted a bit. It was something she’d always thought about, but the bloody men in the pictures she’d seen always reminded her how scared he probably was.

“Well, my father was not a warm, fuzzy man. And, he was always in trouble for doing something stupid. He was blinded by money and power and would do anything for it.”

“I hope I never have to meet him. I don’t think I could stomach him.”

“You’re in luck; he’s dead, and none of us have to stomach him at all.”

Leesa stopped mixing the salad she worked on and met her gaze. “I’m sorry Kiera, I shouldn’t have said that.”

Lightening the mood, she giggled. “Your father has said so much worse, so it’s not like I haven’t heard it and more before. Plus, over the years, I’ve thought much worse myself.”

Dinner was served, the conversation flowed, and other than a few times someone asked her about her past or certain circumstances, things went along fairly nice. That was until the doorbell rang, just as chocolate cake was being served. David stood, looked at her and shrugged then went to the door.

“Rita, what—“

“Where is she? And with MY children no less.”

“Uh-oh,” came from Leesa.

“Shit,” Mattox mumbled.

Chris set his fork on his plate, swung his arm around Leesa’s shoulders, and braced himself.

Rita stomped into the kitchen, her white, high-heeled sandals glittering with sparkles, her short, cropped pants hugged middle-aged hips, and the bright red chiffon blouse she wore screamed expensive and classy.

“Well, well, well, look at all of you having a nice family dinner with your father. And her,” she said as she pointed at Kiera.

Kiera stood, allowing her leg to adjust and looked Rita in the eye. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Rita.” She managed that without a shake in her voice and almost smiled at how pleased she was. Actually, sometimes when she got nervous, she smiled, and that would not be good right now, so she bit the inside of her cheek.

“Really? A pleasure? You’ve got to be kidding me.” Her eyes shot daggers, actual daggers at her then turned and lasered her children and future son-in-law. Each of them froze in place as if it had been some mystical thing that turned them all to stone.

David came forward and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and while she was grateful for the comfort and support, she knew the instant he did it, it was the wrong thing to do.

Rita practically spewed something green and slimy from her mouth, like the possessed girl on the exorcist, and coughed. Her eyes shot to David’s and then she squinted. Holy Fuck.

“Mom.” Leesa stood, and Chris stood with her. “This is not the time. It’s also not fair. Dad has never interfered in your life with Harold, and you had to know one day he’d move on. For crying out loud, you’re acting like he cheated on you. Which is comical, because I believe you were the one who actually cheated on him.”

Holy shit! Did she actually take a step back like she’d been punched? It sort of looked like it.

“You better not ever say anything like that to me again, Leesa.”

“Okay. That’s enough. Rita, we’re having a family dinner here. Yes, I wanted the kids to meet Kiera. No, you weren’t invited. You’ve had your little drama here, now get out.”

David moved toward Rita, but before he could get to her, she turned on her sexy high heels and stomped out. He followed her outside and closed the door, and the rest of them walked to the front window and looked out. There Rita stood in those awesome shoes, in the grass, and squared off against David. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, she burst into tears, walked to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, and cried into his chest.

Swallowing hard, she stood frozen as she watched David comfort his ex-wife, his arms wrapping around her shoulders. They stood that way for some time, and a myriad of thoughts ran through her head. He was a sexy man. His broad shoulders filled his yellow shirt out nicely, and with his arms wrapped around Rita, his shirt stretched tightly across them and made him look broader. Her arms wrapped around his waist made his waist look narrow and gave him that “V” shape and his nice, tight ass looked fabulous in his jeans.
