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His hips arched and the tip of his cock found her entrance, and he easily slid into her warmth. She sighed and tightened her legs, raising her hips to meet his thrusts. The sounds of their mating urged him on. The slickness of her pussy as his cock slid in, the warmth that circled him as he embedded himself into her depths, her soft moans, his raspy breathing, was erotic.

He increased his pace, and she met him move for move. His arms slid under her shoulders in an effort to hold her tighter. He never felt he could hold her tight enough. He lowered himself, so their chests touched, her breasts wriggling under his and he shoved into her. Damn.

She cried out as her orgasm hit, and he lifted to watch her face. Mouth open, brows pinched together, her legs tightened further around him. Fucking fantastic. Just watching that tightened his balls and he exploded into her, seating himself deep inside and holding himself there until he finished filling her.


Lying against David, his arm wrapped around her, her cheek on his chest, their legs tangled she closed her eyes and relaxed into him. Yes, she loved him completely and always had. But, recently, she’d felt unsettled and Leesa’s comments last night had stuck with her.

It doesn’t make any sense why a father would encourage his daughter to make that kind of sacrifice. That’s unreal.

Thoughts she’d had so often over the years. In the beginning with Nicholas, she’d wondered this so many times. Always taking the path of least resistance, she’d done what she thought she had to do to keep her father and David safe. Then, as time wore on, and she wasn’t in her drug-induced state as she’d been during her rehab, her mind kept asking that question. When she had the opportunity to ask her father why he’d subjected her to this life, he’d always respond that she was selfish and didn’t care about his safety and that if he died, it would be her fault.

Being so beaten down, she’d back away and suffer silently. Then her mother told her David was in the Army, and she felt happy that he wasn’t around where Nicholas could harm him. When her mother told her David had married, she’d given up all hope of ever seeing him again. But, now they had a second chance. The life she’d always dreamed of. She wanted to do it right.

She opened her mouth to tell him she’d move in when her phone rang. Sighing heavily, she rolled over and grabbed it from the nightstand.


“Ms. Donnelly, this is Maggie Jacobs from Home Again. I’m sorry honey, but Rosemary had a heart attack about an hour ago. We’ve taken her to Holy Cross Hospital.”

“Oh my God. How bad is she?” Her heart leaped to her throat, its beating erratic and wild.

“I don’t know for sure, honey. The doctors will be able to give you that information. It’s a complete surprise; she was fine during breakfast. After her visitor left, she was agitated, and then she collapsed.”

“What visitor? Who came to see her?”

“Oh, let me look at the visitor’s log.” Pages turned, and the soft murmuring of voices in the background made the hairs stand on the back of her neck.

“Ms. Carleene Campisi.”

Gasping, Kiera’s spine straightened, and her stomach lurched. Her hand flew to her tummy to hold the quelling mass still.

“Oh God. I’ll be right there.”

She ended the call and jumped from bed. Hastily grabbing at her clothing, she started toward the bathroom.

“Kiera, honey, what’s going on?”

“Mom.” She stooped to pick up her shoes.

“She had a heart attack.” She stopped at the bathroom door. “After Carleene visited her this morning.”

She saw David jump from bed just before she closed the bathroom door.

* * *

Hospital smells always made her stomach twist. She’d smelled them over and over in her life. It was disgusting.

They’d been sitting in her mother’s hospital room for twenty minutes, neither of them saying a word, watching her pale mother’s chest rise and fall. Doctors explained that she’d likely sleep for a bit and she was weak. She’d recover, and it wasn’t a bad heart attack if there was such a thing.

A nurse silently entered the room. Her bright pink surgical smock and matching pants and shoes added a bright and cheery mood to the room. She smiled at her, nodded at David, and picked up her mother’s chart at the foot of the bed, reading and glancing at the numbers on the various monitors she was hooked up to. She then opened the laptop on the cart next to her mother’s bed, logged on and read more, slowly scrolling through the information as she read.

“Excuse me.” She scooted to the edge of the uncomfortable hospital love seat, the almost plastic material making crackling noises as she moved. “Did she have any unusual drugs in her system?”

The nurse, whose name badge said Sarah, furrowed her brows before glancing at the computer once again. “Why do you ask? Has there been a change in behavior or diet that we should be aware of?”

Shaking her head and feeling as if she said too much, “No. I just wond … wanted to know.”
