Page 60 of Leilani's Hero

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The doctor’s brow dipped. “Isn’t that next month?”

Alyssa nodded. “I had to pull a lot of strings to get invited. It’ll be our first time at the Eddie, and we’re doing it together.”

The doctor was shaking his head before Alyssa finished. “You don’t understand. He’ll have to stay off that leg for several weeks to give the muscle a chance to heal. Then, he’ll only be able to bear a little weight for a while and have to go through months of physical therapy to rebuild the damaged muscle. You’re looking at five or six months at the earliest before he can surf again.”

Alyssa’s eyes narrowed. “You’re kidding me, right? He’s supposed to surf the Eddie next month. He has to. So much is riding on his being there.”

The doctor met Alyssa’s gaze and held it. “Mr. Kealoha will not be surfing in anything next month. He’ll barely be able to stand. If he wants to regain full use of that leg, he’s got to give it time to heal.” The doctor stepped back. “He’ll be here a couple of days. When he’s released, he’ll be moved to a rehabilitation facility. The wound will need care until it closes. I’ll be by to check in on him before I leave this afternoon. You’ll be allowed into the recovery room for a few minutes once he regains consciousness. When he’s stable, he’ll be moved to a room.”

“Thank you, Dr. Dutton,” Leilani said.

The doctor turned to leave, then paused and looked back at Alyssa. “If the spear had been a fraction of an inch over, it would’ve severed the femoral artery. Your fiancé is lucky to be alive.”

The doctor left the waiting room.

Alyssa remained standing where he’d left her, her face drained of color.

Leilani took a step toward Alyssa.

Angel touched her arm and shook his head.

A nurse entered the room. “Mr. Kealoha’s family?”

Leilani nodded.

“He just woke up. He’s groggy and might not be awake long, but you can see him for a few minutes.”

Leilani hurried after the nurse, slowing as she passed Alyssa.

Alyssa didn’t move as if frozen to the floor.

Angel cupped Leilani’s elbow, gently propelling her forward.

When they reached the recovery room, Leilani stood beside Makai’s bed, tears filling her eyes.

Makai looked up at her. “Lani?”

“Yeah, Mak, it’s me.” She smiled and took his hand. “The doctor says you’re going to be okay.”

“He got it out?”

She nodded. “He did.”

Makai closed his eyes. “Good. Didn’t much like being a pin cushion.”

“He said it’ll take time to recover,” Leilani said.

“I figured as much.” Makai’s voice trailed off.

Angel thought he’d fallen asleep.

Makai opened his eyes again, his mouth twisting. “Friend of mine got stabbed in the thigh when he was nightclubbing in Honolulu. Couldn’t surf for months.”

“You won’t get to surf the Eddie,” she said.

“Good,” he said. “Wasn’t looking forward to it, anyway. Was afraid I’d get all banged up and miss my wedding.” He laughed. “Now I have no excuse. But I’ll have to be in a wheelchair. Alyssa won’t want to move the date again.”

Leilani met Angel’s gaze.
